Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR JCJC LungManyScale, M. Genet, P. Moireau, D. Chapelle (383 k€) – The lungs’ architecture and function are well characterized; however, many fundamental questions remain (e.g., there is no quantitative link between tissue- and organ-level material responses), which represent real health challenges (e.g., Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is a poorly understood disease, for which a mechanical vicious cycle has been hypothesized, but not demonstrated). The general objective of this project is twofold: (i) scientifically, to better understand pulmonary mechanics, from the alveola to the organ in health and disease; (ii) clinically, to improve diagnosis and prognosis of patients through personalized computational modeling. More precisely, This project aims at developing a many-scale model of the pulmonary biomechanics, linked by computational nonlinear homogenization. The model will integrate the experimental and clinical data produced by partners, through an estimation pipeline that will represent augmented diagnosis and prognosis tools for the clinicians.
ANR ODISSE, P. Moireau, S. Imperiale (154 k€) – Motivated by some recent developments from two different fields of research, that is, observer design for finite-dimensional systems and inverse problems analysis for some PDE systems, the ODISSE project aims at developing rigorous methodological tools for the design of estimating algorithms for infinite-dimensional systems arising from hyperbolic PDE systems.
ANR SIMR, P. Moireau, D. Chapelle (97 k€) SIMR is a multi-disciplinary project seeking a better understanding of the biophysical mechanisms involved in mitral valve (MV) regurgitation diseases, to improve decision-making in patients by helping to determine the optimal timing for surgery. This project aims at facing this major issue with the following main two objectives: (1) Evaluate the biophysical consequences of MV repair and (2) Design numerical tools, for cardiac hemodynamics, fluid-structure interaction and myocardium biomechanics to provide an in silico counterpart of the in vivo data obtained by tension measurement and imaging.
Other funding
IPM-MS project (for Imagerie Polarimétrique de Mueller pour la réalisation d’un système original de caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques des Matériaux Structurés), J.M. Allain (50k€ funded by the LABEX Lasips) – This project, which involves the LPICM laboratory (Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS), the LMS (Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Mines ParisTech) and the Centre des Matériaux (Mines ParisTech), aims at developing an optical tool to study the link between the mechanical properties of a material and its hierarchical organization. Despite the development of new methods to observe the microstructure, one of the limitations is the number of observations that can be obtained on a given sample in a realistic experimental time. To overcome this difficulty, we are planning to use the Mueller polarimetry to obtain at a fast rate (a few frames per second, compared to a few frames per half-hour) relevant information on the local anisotropy of biological (heart, skin) and composite (short fibers composite) samples.