Section: New Software and Platforms
Time-domain Wave-equation Modeling App
Keywords: 2D - 3D - Elastoacoustic - Elastodynamic equations - Discontinuous Galerkin - Time Domain
Scientific Description: tmodeling-DG simulate acoustic and elastic wave propagation in 2D and in 3D, using Discontinuous Galerkin Methods. The space discretization is based on two kind of basis functions, using Lagrange or Jacobi polynomials. Different kinds of fluxes (upwind and centered) are implemented, coupled with RK2 and RK4 time schemes.
Functional Description: tmodelling-DG is the follow up to DIVA-DG that we develop in collaboration with our partner Total. Its purpose is more general than DIVA-DG and should contains various DG schemes, basis functions and time schemes. It models wave propagation in acoustic media, elastic (isotropic and TTI) media and elasto-acoustic media, in two and three dimensions.
News Of The Year: In 2018, we have coupled the code with a Reverse Time Migration algorithm.