Section: New Results
Natural Language Processing
Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing
In [1], Mathieu Dehouck presents his work on Word Representation and Joint Training for Syntactic Analysis. Syntactic analysis is a key step in working with natural languages. With the advances in supervised machine learning, modern parsers have reached human performances. However, despite the intensive efforts of the dependency parsing community, the number of languages for which data have been annotated is still below the hundred, and only a handful of languages have more than ten thousands annotated sentences. In order to alleviate the lack of training data and to make dependency parsing available for more languages, previous research has proposed methods for sharing syntactic information across languages. By transferring models and/or annotations or by jointly learning to parse several languages at once, one can capitalise on languages grammatical similarities in order to improve their parsing capabilities. However, while words are a key source of information for mono-lingual parsers, they are much harder to use in multi-lingual settings because they vary heavily even between very close languages. Morphological features on the contrary, are much more stable across related languages than word forms and they also directly encode syntactic information. Furthermore, it is arguably easier to annotate data with morphological information than with complete dependency structures. With the increasing availability of morphologically annotated data using the same annotation scheme for many languages, it becomes possible to use morphological information to bridge the gap between languages in multi-lingual dependency parsing.
In his thesis, Mathieu Dehouck has proposed several new approaches for sharing information across languages. These approaches have in common that they rely on morphology as the adequate representation level for sharing information. We therefore also introduce a new method to analyse the role of morphology in dependency parsing relying on a new measure of morpho-syntactic complexity. The first method uses morphological information from several languages to learn delexicalised word representations that can then be used as feature and improve mono-lingual parser performances as a kind of distant supervision. The second method uses morphology as a common representation space for sharing information during the joint training of model parameters for many languages. The training process is guided by the evolutionary tree of the various language families in order to share information between languages historically related that might share common grammatical traits. We empirically compare this new training method to independently trained models using data from the Universal Dependencies project and show that it greatly helps languages with few resources but that it is also beneficial for better resourced languages when their family tree is well populated. We eventually investigate the intrinsic worth of morphological information in dependency parsing. Indeed not all languages use morphology as extensively and while some use morphology to mark syntactic relations (via cases and persons) other mostly encode semantic information (such as tense or gender). To this end, we introduce a new measure of morpho-syntactic complexity that measures the syntactic content of morphology in a given corpus as a function of preferential head attachment. We show through experiments that this new measure can tease morpho-syntactic languages and morpho-semantic languages apart and that it is more predictive of parsing results than more traditional morphological complexity measures.
Modal sense classification with task-specific context embeddings Sense disambiguation of modal constructions is a crucial part of natural language understanding. Framed as a supervised learning task, this problem heavily depends on an adequate feature representation of the modal verb context. Inspired by recent work on general word sense disambiguation, we propose in [8] a simple approach of modal sense classification in which standard shallow features are enhanced with task-specific context embedding features. Comprehensive experiments show that these enriched contextual representations fed into a simple SVM model lead to significant classification gains over shallow feature sets.
Learning Rich Event Representations and Interactions for Temporal Relation Classification Most existing systems for identifying temporal relations between events heavily rely on hand-crafted features derived from event words and explicit temporal markers. Besides, less attention has been given to automatically learning con-textualized event representations or to finding complex interactions between events. In [9], we fill this gap in showing that a combination of rich event representations and interaction learning is essential to more accurate temporal relation classification. Specifically, we propose a method in which i) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) extract contextual information ii) character embeddings capture morpho-semantic features (e.g. tense, mood, aspect), and iii) a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) finds out intricate interactions between events. We show that the proposed approach outperforms most existing systems on the commonly used dataset while using fully automatic feature extraction and simple local inference.
Phylogenetic Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing Languages evolve and diverge over time. Their evolutionary history is often depicted in the shape of a phylogenetic tree. Assuming parsing models are representations of their languages grammars, their evolution should follow a structure similar to that of the phylo-genetic tree. In [7], drawing inspiration from multi-task learning, we make use of the phylogenetic tree to guide the learning of multilingual dependency parsers leverag-ing languages structural similarities. Experiments on data from the Universal Dependency project show that phylogenetic training is beneficial to low resourced languages and to well furnished languages families. As a side product of phylogenetic training, our model is able to perform zero-shot parsing of previously unseen languages.