Section: New Results
Decentralized Learning
Trade-offs in Large-Scale Distributed Tuplewise Estimation and Learning The development of cluster computing frameworks has allowed practitioners to scale out various statistical estimation and machine learning algorithms with minimal programming effort. This is especially true for machine learning problems whose objective function is nicely separable across individual data points, such as classification and regression. In contrast, statistical learning tasks involving pairs (or more generally tuples) of data points-such as metric learning, clustering or ranking-do not lend themselves as easily to data-parallelism and in-memory computing. In [13], we investigate how to balance between statistical performance and computational efficiency in such distributed tuplewise statistical problems. We first propose a simple strategy based on occasionally repartitioning data across workers between parallel computation stages, where the number of repartition-ing steps rules the trade-off between accuracy and runtime. We then present some theoretical results highlighting the benefits brought by the proposed method in terms of variance reduction, and extend our results to design distributed stochastic gradient descent algorithms for tuplewise empirical risk minimization. Our results are supported by numerical experiments in pairwise statistical estimation and learning on synthetic and real-world datasets.
Who started this rumor? Quantifying the natural differential privacy guarantees of gossip protocols Gossip protocols, also called rumor spreading or epidemic protocols, are widely used to disseminate information in massive peer-to-peer networks. These protocols are often claimed to guarantee privacy because of the uncertainty they introduce on the node that started the dissemination. But is that claim really true? Can one indeed start a gossip and safely hide in the crowd? In [14], we study gossip protocols using a rigorous mathematical framework based on differential privacy to determine the extent to which the source of a gossip can be traceable. Considering the case of a complete graph in which a subset of the nodes are curious, we derive matching lower and upper bounds on differential privacy showing that some gossip protocols achieve strong privacy guarantees. Our results further reveal an interesting tension between privacy and dissemination speed: the standard “push” gossip protocol has very weak privacy guarantees, while the optimal guarantees are attained at the cost of a drastic increase in the spreading time. Yet, we show that it is possible to leverage the inherent randomness and partial observability of gossip protocols to achieve both fast dissemination speed and near-optimal privacy.
Fully Decentralized Joint Learning of Personalized Models and Collaboration Graphs In [15], we consider the fully decentralized machine learning scenario where many users with personal datasets collaborate to learn models through local peer-to-peer exchanges, without a central coordinator. We propose to train personalized models that leverage a collaboration graph describing the relationships between the users' personal tasks, which we learn jointly with the models. Our fully decentralized optimization procedure alternates between training nonlinear models given the graph in a greedy boosting manner, and updating the collaboration graph (with controlled sparsity) given the models. Throughout the process, users exchange messages only with a small number of peers (their direct neighbors in the graph and a few random users), ensuring that the procedure naturally scales to large numbers of users. We analyze the convergence rate, memory and communication complexity of our approach, and demonstrate its benefits compared to competing techniques on synthetic and real datasets.
Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g. service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. FL embodies the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in FL research, we participated in a collaborative paper [18] that discusses recent advances and presents an extensive collection of open problems and challenges.