Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
J. Clairambault has organised with Stylianos Xanthopoulos (University of the Aegean), Nikolaos Sfakianakis (University of St. Andrews), Nikos Kavallaris (University of Chester) and Pierre-Alexandre Bliman the Summer school and workshop MBMC-Samos 2019 “Mathematical Biology on the Mediterranean Conference”, Samos island, Greece, September 1-14, see This conference, envisioned to be the first of a series of such MBMCs, consisted of two twin events, the Summer school and the workshop (1st and 2nd week) that were funded by Inria DGDS and DPEI, together with EMS and ESMTB.
Dirk Drasdo is member of the Program committee of the SBMC 2020 (Heidelberg, Germany), May, 25-27.
L. Almeida, B. Perthame and D. Peurichard coordinate a math-bio work group every month at LJLL
D. Peurichard and D. Drasdo coordinate the internal 'Open MAMBA seminar' - seminar for PhD and post-doctoral students of the MAMBA team
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, together with Christian Schaerer (Polytechnic School, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay), organized the Workshop on Advanced Control Techniques for Mosquito-Borne Diseases 2019 (WTAEM 2019) 11–17 november 2019,
Benoit Perthame organized a France-China summer school 1-5 july 2019 (partnership LIA-SFMA, Institute of Natural Science and Department of mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Member of the Organizing Committees
On October 7th and 8th, Marie Doumic co-organized the symposium Deciphering the functional mechanisms of biological macromolecules with Raphaël Guérois (CEA) and Marc Baaden (IBPC).
Marie Doumic was a member of the organisation committee for the 50th anniversary of J-L. Lions laboratory (November 27-29).
Marie Doumic co-organised the Workshop "Mathematical Models in Cancer", August 1-2, Vienna, Austria.
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman was in the Editorial Board of the conference “European Control Conference”, Naples (Italy), 25-28 June 2019.
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, reviewer for the conferences IEEE Conference on Decision Control, European Control Conference.
Dirk Drasdo, CELLMECH 2019 (June 3-6, 2019): Quantitative single-cell-based modelling reveals predictable response of growing tumour spheroids on external mechanical stress, and how this informs liver regeneration
Dirk Drasdo, 3rd Workshop on BioFabrication & Cancer, 24-25.09.2019: Quantitative single-cell-based modelling reveals predictable response of growing tumour spheroids on external mechanical stress, and how this informs liver regeneration
Member of the Editorial Boards
Dirk Drasdo is associate editorial member of J. Theor. Biol. Royal Society Open Science, and The Scientific World Journal.
Marie Doumic is associate editor of Kinetic and Related Models and of the Journal of Mathematical Biology.
Diane Peurichard and Nastassia Pouradier Duteil are guest editors of a special issue for the journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, planned in september 2020.
Benoit Perthame is associate editor of Bol. SeMA, Milan Journal of Mathematics, M3AS, Mathematical Medicine and Biology (IMA journal), Comm. in PDE,
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
We reviewed for:
BBA Reviews Cancer, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Mathematical Biosciences, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Bioinformatics, BBA Molecular Cell Research, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Biosystems, J Math Biol, Cancer Research, Bull Math Biol, J Theor Biol, Science Advances ;
Symmetry, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering ;
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Mathematical Biosciences;
Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, Journal of Mathematical Biology;
Annales de l'Institut Henri Lebesgue, SIAM Applied Math, J. Math. Biol, Asymptotic Analysis.
Invited Talks
P.-A. Bliman's presentations at seminars and workshops:
Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications UMR 7539, Université Paris 13, February 2019;
Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay, March 2019 Université de Guyane, Cayenne, April 2019;
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université, Paris, June 2019;
COPPE, Universidade Federal de Rio do Janeiro, Brazil, July 2019;
Fifth International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, Fort Lauderdale (FL), USA May 2019;
Mathematical Biology on the Mediterranean Conference, Samos, September 2019;
Workshop on Advanced Control Techniques for Mosquito-Borne Diseases 2019, Asunción, Paraguay, November 2019.
J. Clairambault's presentations at seminars and workshops:
Seminar Math-Bio, LAGA, Université Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, April 2019;
Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences Conference, IMPAN, Bedlewo, Poland, June 2019;
Mathematical Biology on the Mediterranean Conference, Samos, Greece, September 2019;
Symposium on Modelling approaches for cancer therapy, Cité scientifique, Lille, September 2019;
N. Pouradier Duteil's presentations at seminars and workshops:
M. Doumic's presentations at seminars, workshops and conferences:
Inria-KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) meeting, Paris, March 28th.
Four-hour course at the 2019 Summer School on Mathematical Biology, July 1-4, Shanghai.
Plenary talk at the AIP 2019 Conference (Applied Inverse Problems), July 7-11, Grenoble.
CENTURI Conference in Marseille, November 18th, with W-F. Xue.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Dirk Drasdo is member of the scientific leadership board of the German flagship project LiSyM (Liver Systems Medicine) financed by BMBF (Germany).
Marie Doumic is a member of the board of the GDR Medyna (self-assembly of peptides and proteins).
Scientific Expertise
M. Doumic is a member of ITMO BMSV (interdisciplinay institute for structural and biomolecular basis of living matter) experts' committee, representing Inria.
M. Doumic is a member of the scientific committee of the mathematical institute INSMI of CNRS, and a member of the interdisciplinary committee CID 51 of CNRS.
Research Administration
Dirk Drasdo is associated with IfADo Leibniz-Institute. He directs a research group bi-localized at Inria de Paris and IfADo, Dortmund.
Dirk Drasdo is member of the scientific leadership board of the German flagship project LiSyM (Liver Systems Medicine) financed by BMBF (Germany).
D. Peurichard is a member of the CSD (Comité de Suivi Doctoral) at Inria
P.-A. Bliman is the coordinator of the ECOS-Nord project C17M01 “News methods for control of dengue and arboviroses”, and international coordinator of the STIC AmSud project 20-STIC-05 “New Methods for Biological Control of the Arboviruses" epidemics”.
M. Doumic is a member of the organisation committee for mentorship at Inria Paris.