Section: Dissemination


Diane Peurichard presented a talk in the framework of the "Remise des prix des Olympiades de mathématiques de Paris" (prize for national mathematics competition for young french students), Wednesday 29th, June 2019.

Diane Peurichard presented her work at the Inria scientific days in Lyon from June 5th- 7th, 2019.

At the occasion of scientific seminaries, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman gave interviews to TV channels in Paraguay: Paraguai TV (March 28, 2019); and in Brazil: Globo Amapá (April 16, 2019), Balanço Geral AP (April 17th, 2019).

Marie Doumic gave a presentation of her research for middle-school pupils in internship (December 2019) and for highschool mathematics teachers (March 2019, in Lille), and did "speed-dating interviews" with high school students (February 12th, NGO "Sephora Berrebi").

Benoit Perthame gave public talks at Tamkang university (Taipei) and Nancy.