Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Nicolas Holzschuch: Eurographics 2020, Sibgrapi 2019, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Steering Committee
All members of the Maverick team work as reviewers for the most prestigious journals, including ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, CGF, etc.
Invited Talks
Fabrice Neyret presented a 1 hour invited talk "Managing Ultra-high Complexity in Real-time Graphics: Some Hints and Ingredients" at HPG'2019 (ACM-SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on High-Performance Graphics) [9].
Fabrice Neyret presented a 1 hour opening invited talk "Graphics vs Physics: the light and dark sides of the Force" [8] in pair with Emmanuel Delangre (Ladhyx - Ecole Polytechnique) at GraPhyz'2019, a new international workshop bridging Physics and Computer Graphics communities.
Romain Vergne presented a 1 hour invited talk "ensuring congruency between shape and light" at IRIT: Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse.
Research Administration
Georges-Pierre Bonneau is member of the “conseil du Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann”.
Romain Vergne is member of the “conseil du Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann”.
Romain Vergne is co-responsible of the Rendering Working Group of the French Association ofr Computer Graphics (AFIG).
Romain Vergne is co-responsible of the PhD students of the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann.
Nicolas Holzschuch is an elected member of CNESER (National Council for Higher Education and Research), 2019 — 2023.
Nicolas Holzschuch is an elected member of Inria Evaluation Committee (CE), an elected member of Inria Comité Technique (CTI) and a reserve member of Inria Scientific Council (CS).
Nicolas Holzschuch is responsible for the department "Geometry and Images" of the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann.
Nicolas Holzschuch is co-head of the Inria International Laboratory "Inria - EPFL".
Nicolas Holzschuch is an elected member of Conseil Académique of the COMUE Université Grenoble-Alpes