Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Four members of the team are Professors or Assistant Professors at Bordeaux University and have teaching duties, which consist in courses and practical exercises in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Michel Bergmann (CR) also teaches around 64 hours per year (practical exercises in programming for scientific computing). Tommaso Taddei (CR) also teaches around 50 hours per year (practical exercises in numerical analysis and scientific computing).


  1. 2019-2022. Giulia Sambataro. Bourse ANDRA. Component-based reduction strategies for THM equations. Advisors: Angelo Iollo, Tommaso Taddei.

  2. 2018-2021. Michele Giuliano Carlino. Bourse Inria. Fluid-structure models on Chimera grids. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  3. 2018-2021. Antoine Fondanèche. Bourse UB. Monolithic fluid-structure modeles on parallel hierarchical grids. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  4. 2017-2020. Sebastien Riffaud. Convergence between data and numerical models. Advisor: Angelo Iollo.

  5. 2017-2020. Luis Ramos Benetti. Bourse ERC Aeroflex (O. Marquet, ONERA). Monolithic fluid-structure modeles on parallel hierarchical grids. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.


Angeo Iollo: reviewer of 3 PhD theses, president of one PhD jury, member of one PhD jury, in France and abroad.

Michel Bergmann: reviewer of 2 PhD theses.