Section: Dissemination


Articles and contents

  • The scientific magazine La Recherche re-published an article by Nazim Fatès and Irène Marcovici, with the title “Les automates cellulaires jouent le jeu”, in a Special issue devoted to the theme "Les maths et le réel" (September 2019) [34]. The original article "Automates cellulaires : la complexité dans les règles de l’art" (2018), was modified with minor changes for this special issue.

  • Interviews of Simon Perdrix about the Google's result on quantum advantage. La tribune (online article) ; Sciences et Avenir (November 2019 - paper journal and online articles), We demain (online article).


Nazim Fatès participated to a workshop destined to the high-school teachers which were training on the « Information et sciences du numérique » module.

In the lycée Saint-Exupéry de Saint-Dizier: he gave three one-hour conferences destined to students, related to the film Imitation game on Alan Turing (March 18).


Nazim Fatès was invited to give various talks on the question of artificial intelligence:

  • With the European parliamentary association (APE), he was invited to talk to European MP's on the the theme « Is Europe ready for artificial intelligence? » (Strasbourg, February 13).

  • In the « Sciences et société » cycle of IUT Charlemagne (September 26).

  • With the association « Jardin des sciences », cycle « intelligences » destined to a wide public, University of Strasbourg (October 10).

  • With the association Femmes responsables (November 20).