Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Mathieu Hoyrup supervised the L3 internship of Antonin Callard (ENS Paris Saclay), about descriptive set theory on represented spaces.
Emmanuel Hainry and Romain Péchoux supervised the L3 internship of Olivier Zeyen (FST, Université de Lorraine), on implementing a complexity parser for Java.
Nazim Fatès supervised the internship of Karim Boutamine and Maxime Thaon, students of Master 1 in Cognitive Sciences (Université de Lorraine) and the internship of Baptiste Collet, student of Licence 3 at École normale supérieure de Paris.
PhD: Renaud Vilmart, “Langages graphiques pour calculer et raisonner en quantique”, defended september 2019, Advisors: Emmanuel Jeandel and Simon Perdrix.
PhD in progress: Titouan Carette, “Langage diagrammatique pour l'ordinateur quantique”, Start: October 2018, Advisors: Emmanuel Jeandel and Simon Perdrix.
PhD in progress: Pierre Mercuriali, “Calcul à base de médiane et structures médianes pour la classification”, Start: October 2016, Advisors: Miguel Couceiro and Romain Péchoux.
PhD in progress: Robert Booth, “Formalismes pour la vérification de technologies quantiques”, Start: November 2018, Advisors: Damian Markham and Simon Perdrix.
PhD in progress: Alexandre Clément, “Graphical Languages for Quantum Control”, Start: September 2019, Advisors: Emmanuel Jeandel and Simon Perdrix.
PhD in progress: Margarita Veshchezerova, “Quantum Computing for Combinatorial Optimisation”, Start: October 2019, Advisors: Emmanuel Jeandel and Simon Perdrix, joint supervision with Marc Porcheron at EDF (CIFRE).
Emmanuel Jeandel participated in the PhD defense of Florian Bridoux (Université d'Aix-Marseille), François Pirot (Université de Lorraine and Rahdboud University) and Alexandre Talon (ENS Lyon).
Emmanuel Jeandel reviewed the PhD thesis of Paulina Cecchi (University of Santiago and Université Paris-Diderot) and Ilya Galanov (Université de Villetaneuse).
Nazim Fatès reviewed the PhD of Adam Dzedzej (University of Gdańsk, Poland) and served a the main external examiner during the PhD defense.
Simon Perdrix was external reviewer for the PhD thesis of Kang Feng Ng (Oxford University), March 2019.
Simon Perdrix was reviewer for the PhD thesis of Matthew Amy (University of Waterloo, Canada), January 2019.
Simon Perdrix reviewed the PhD thesis of Ghazal Kachigar (University of Bordeaux), December 2019.