Publications of the year
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
1A. Genevay.
Entropy-Regularized Optimal Transport for Machine Learning, PSL University, March 2019.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
2J.-D. Benamou, G. Carlier, M. Laborde.
An augmented Lagrangian approach to Wasserstein gradient flows and applications, in: ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, August 2019. -
3J.-D. Benamou, V. Duval.
Minimal convex extensions and finite difference discretization of the quadratic Monge-Kantorovich problem, in: European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2019,, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0956792518000451 ] -
4J.-D. Benamou, T. Gallouët, F.-X. Vialard.
Second order models for optimal transport and cubic splines on the Wasserstein space, in: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, October 2019, -
5C. Boyer, A. Chambolle, Y. De Castro, V. Duval, F. De Gournay, P. Weiss.
On Representer Theorems and Convex Regularization, in: SIAM Journal on Optimization, May 2019, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 1260–1281, [ DOI : 10.1137/18M1200750 ] -
6C. Cancès, T. Gallouët, M. Laborde, L. Monsaingeon.
Simulation of multiphase porous media flows with minimizing movement and finite volume schemes, in: European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2019, vol. 30, no 6, pp. 1123-1152. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0956792518000633 ] -
7S. Dallaporta, Y. De Castro.
Sparse Recovery from Extreme Eigenvalues Deviation Inequalities, in: ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 2019, - 33 pages, 1 figure. [ DOI : 10.1051/ps/2018024 ] -
8Y. De Castro, F. Gamboa, D. Henrion, R. Hess, J. B. Lasserre.
Approximate Optimal Designs for Multivariate Polynomial Regression, in: Annals of Statistics, January 2019, vol. 47, no 1, pp. 127-155. [ DOI : 10.1214/18-AOS1683 ] -
9Q. Denoyelle, V. Duval, G. Peyré, E. Soubies.
The Sliding Frank-Wolfe Algorithm and its Application to Super-Resolution Microscopy, in: Inverse Problems, 2019,, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1088/1361-6420/ab2a29 ] -
10T. Gallouët, M. Laborde, L. Monsaingeon.
An unbalanced optimal transport splitting scheme for general advection-reaction-diffusion problems, in: ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2019, vol. 25, no 8, [ DOI : 10.1051/cocv/2018001 ] -
11T. Gallouët, A. Natale, F.-X. Vialard.
Generalized compressible flows and solutions of the H(div) geodesic problem, in: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2020,, forthcoming. -
12R. E. Gaunt, G. Mijoule, Y. Swan.
Some new Stein operators for product distributions, in: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2019, - 13 pages, forthcoming. -
13A. Natale, F.-X. Vialard.
Embedding Camassa-Holm equations in incompressible Euler, in: Journal of Geometric Mechanics, June 2019, -
14P. Pegon, F. Santambrogio, Q. Xia.
A fractal shape optimization problem in branched transport, in: Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, March 2019,
International Conferences with Proceedings
15J.-B. Courbot, E. Monfrini, V. Mazet, C. Collet.
Triplet markov trees for image segmentation, in: SSP 2018: IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, Germany, 2018 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), IEEE Computer Society, 2019, pp. 233-237. [ DOI : 10.1109/SSP.2018.8450841 ]
Conferences without Proceedings
16J. M. Fadili, G. Garrigos, J. Malick, G. Peyré.
Model Consistency for Learning with Mirror-Stratifiable Regularizers, in: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Naha, Japan, April 2019.
Other Publications
17J.-M. Azaïs, Y. De Castro.
Multiple Testing and Variable Selection along Least Angle Regression's path, July 2019, - 39 pages, 7 figures. -
18J.-D. Benamou, G. Carlier, S. D. Marino, L. Nenna.
An entropy minimization approach to second-order variational mean-field games, September 2019, working paper or preprint. -
19C. Cancès, T. Gallouët, G. Todeschi.
A variational finite volume scheme for Wasserstein gradient flows, July 2019, working paper or preprint. -
20J.-B. Courbot, V. Duval, B. Legras.
Sparse analysis for mesoscale convective systems tracking, February 2019, working paper or preprint. -
21S. Di Marino, A. Natale, R. Tahraoui, F.-X. Vialard.
Metric completion of with the right-invariant metric, June 2019, - working paper or preprint. -
22V. Duval.
An Epigraphical Approach to the Representer Theorem, December 2019, - working paper or preprint. -
23G. Mijoule, G. Reinert, Y. Swan.
Stein operators, kernels and discrepancies for multivariate continuous distributions, December 2019, working paper or preprint. -
24A. Natale, G. Todeschi.
TPFA Finite Volume Approximation of Wasserstein Gradient Flows, January 2020, - working paper or preprint.
25I. Abraham, R. Abraham, M. Bergounioux, G. Carlier.
Tomographic reconstruction from a few views: a multi-marginal optimal transport approach, in: Preprint Hal-01065981, 2014. -
26Y. Achdou, V. Perez.
Iterative strategies for solving linearized discrete mean field games systems, in: Netw. Heterog. Media, 2012, vol. 7, no 2, pp. 197–217. -
27M. Agueh, G. Carlier.
Barycenters in the Wasserstein space, in: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2011, vol. 43, no 2, pp. 904–924. -
28F. Alter, V. Caselles, A. Chambolle.
Evolution of Convex Sets in the Plane by Minimizing the Total Variation Flow, in: Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2005, vol. 332, pp. 329–366. -
29F. R. Bach.
Consistency of the Group Lasso and Multiple Kernel Learning, in: J. Mach. Learn. Res., June 2008, vol. 9, pp. 1179–1225. -
30F. R. Bach.
Consistency of Trace Norm Minimization, in: J. Mach. Learn. Res., June 2008, vol. 9, pp. 1019–1048. -
31H. H. Bauschke, P. L. Combettes.
A Dykstra-like algorithm for two monotone operators, in: Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2008, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 383–391. -
32M. F. Beg, M. I. Miller, A. Trouvé, L. Younes.
Computing Large Deformation Metric Mappings via Geodesic Flows of Diffeomorphisms, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, February 2005, vol. 61, no 2, pp. 139–157. -
33M. Beiglbock, P. Henry-Labordère, F. Penkner.
Model-independent bounds for option prices mass transport approach, in: Finance and Stochastics, 2013, vol. 17, no 3, pp. 477-501. -
34G. Bellettini, V. Caselles, M. Novaga.
The Total Variation Flow in , in: J. Differential Equations, 2002, vol. 184, no 2, pp. 475–525. -
35J.-D. Benamou, Y. Brenier.
A computational fluid mechanics solution to the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem, in: Numer. Math., 2000, vol. 84, no 3, pp. 375–393. -
36J.-D. Benamou, Y. Brenier.
Weak existence for the semigeostrophic equations formulated as a coupled Monge-Ampère/transport problem, in: SIAM J. Appl. Math., 1998, vol. 58, no 5, pp. 1450–1461. -
37J.-D. Benamou, G. Carlier.
Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for variational problems with divergence constraints, in: JOTA, 2015. -
38J.-D. Benamou, G. Carlier, N. Bonne.
An Augmented Lagrangian Numerical approach to solving Mean-Fields Games, Inria, December 2013, 30 p. -
39J.-D. Benamou, G. Carlier, M. Cuturi, L. Nenna, G. Peyré.
Iterative Bregman Projections for Regularized Transportation Problems, in: SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 2015, to appear. -
40J.-D. Benamou, G. Carlier, Q. Mérigot, É. Oudet.
Discretization of functionals involving the Monge-Ampère operator, HAL, July 2014. -
41J.-D. Benamou, F. Collino, J.-M. Mirebeau.
Monotone and Consistent discretization of the Monge-Ampère operator, in: arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.6694, 2014, to appear in Math of Comp. -
42J.-D. Benamou, B. D. Froese, A. Oberman.
Two numerical methods for the elliptic Monge-Ampère equation, in: M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 2010, vol. 44, no 4, pp. 737–758. -
43J.-D. Benamou, B. D. Froese, A. Oberman.
Numerical solution of the optimal transportation problem using the Monge–Ampere equation, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, vol. 260, pp. 107–126. -
44F. Benmansour, G. Carlier, G. Peyré, F. Santambrogio.
Numerical approximation of continuous traffic congestion equilibria, in: Netw. Heterog. Media, 2009, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 605–623. -
45M. Benning, M. Burger.
Ground states and singular vectors of convex variational regularization methods, in: Meth. Appl. Analysis, 2013, vol. 20, pp. 295–334. -
46B. Berkels, A. Effland, M. Rumpf.
Time discrete geodesic paths in the space of images, in: Arxiv preprint, 2014. -
47J. Bigot, T. Klein.
Consistent estimation of a population barycenter in the Wasserstein space, in: Preprint arXiv:1212.2562, 2012. -
48A. Blanchet, P. Laurençot.
The parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system with critical diffusion as a gradient flow in , in: Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 2013, vol. 38, no 4, pp. 658–686. -
49J. Bleyer, G. Carlier, V. Duval, J.-M. Mirebeau, G. Peyré.
A Convergence Result for the Upper Bound Limit Analysis of Plates, in: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, January 2016, vol. 50, no 1, pp. 215–235. [ DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2015040 ] -
50N. Bonneel, J. Rabin, G. Peyré, H. Pfister.
Sliced and Radon Wasserstein Barycenters of Measures, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2015, vol. 51, no 1, pp. 22–45. -
51U. Boscain, R. Chertovskih, J.-P. Gauthier, D. Prandi, A. Remizov.
Highly corrupted image inpainting through hypoelliptic diffusion, Preprint CMAP, 2014. -
52G. Bouchitté, G. Buttazzo.
Characterization of optimal shapes and masses through Monge-Kantorovich equation, in: J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 2001, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 139–168. -
53L. Brasco, G. Carlier, F. Santambrogio.
Congested traffic dynamics, weak flows and very degenerate elliptic equations, in: J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 2010, vol. 93, no 6, pp. 652–671. -
54L. M. Bregman.
The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming, in: USSR computational mathematics and mathematical physics, 1967, vol. 7, no 3, pp. 200–217. -
55Y. Brenier.
Generalized solutions and hydrostatic approximation of the Euler equations, in: Phys. D, 2008, vol. 237, no 14-17, pp. 1982–1988. -
56Y. Brenier.
Décomposition polaire et réarrangement monotone des champs de vecteurs, in: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 1987, vol. 305, no 19, pp. 805–808. -
57Y. Brenier.
Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector-valued functions, in: Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 1991, vol. 44, no 4, pp. 375–417. -
58Y. Brenier, U. Frisch, M. Henon, G. Loeper, S. Matarrese, R. Mohayaee, A. Sobolevski.
Reconstruction of the early universe as a convex optimization problem, in: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 2003, vol. 346, pp. 501–524. -
59M. Bruveris, L. Risser, F.-X. Vialard.
Mixture of Kernels and Iterated Semidirect Product of Diffeomorphisms Groups, in: Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 2012, vol. 10, no 4, pp. 1344-1368. -
60M. Burger, M. DiFrancesco, P. Markowich, M. T. Wolfram.
Mean field games with nonlinear mobilities in pedestrian dynamics, in: DCDS B, 2014, vol. 19. -
61M. Burger, M. Franek, C. Schonlieb.
Regularized regression and density estimation based on optimal transport, in: Appl. Math. Res. Expr., 2012, vol. 2, pp. 209–253. -
62M. Burger, S. Osher.
A guide to the TV zoo, in: Level-Set and PDE-based Reconstruction Methods, Springer, 2013. -
63G. Buttazzo, C. Jimenez, É. Oudet.
An optimization problem for mass transportation with congested dynamics, in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 2009, vol. 48, no 3, pp. 1961–1976. -
64H. Byrne, D. Drasdo.
Individual-based and continuum models of growing cell populations: a comparison, in: Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2009, vol. 58, no 4-5, pp. 657-687. -
65L. A. Caffarelli.
The regularity of mappings with a convex potential, in: J. Amer. Math. Soc., 1992, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 99–104. -
66L. A. Caffarelli, S. A. Kochengin, V. Oliker.
On the numerical solution of the problem of reflector design with given far-field scattering data, in: Monge Ampère equation: applications to geometry and optimization (Deerfield Beach, FL, 1997), Providence, RI, Contemp. Math., Amer. Math. Soc., 1999, vol. 226, pp. 13–32. -
67C. CanCeritoglu.
Computational Analysis of LDDMM for Brain Mapping, in: Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2013, vol. 7. -
68C. Cancès, T. Gallouët, L. Monsaingeon.
Incompressible immiscible multiphase flows in porous media: a variational approach, in: Analysis & PDE, 2017, vol. 10, no 8, pp. 1845–1876. [ DOI : 10.2140/apde.2017.10.1845 ] -
69E. Candes, M. Wakin.
An Introduction to Compressive Sensing, in: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2008, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 21–30. -
70E. J. Candès, C. Fernandez-Granda.
Super-Resolution from Noisy Data, in: Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 2013, vol. 19, no 6, pp. 1229–1254. -
71E. J. Candès, C. Fernandez-Granda.
Towards a Mathematical Theory of Super-Resolution, in: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2014, vol. 67, no 6, pp. 906–956. -
72P. Cardaliaguet, G. Carlier, B. Nazaret.
Geodesics for a class of distances in the space of probability measures, in: Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 2013, vol. 48, no 3-4, pp. 395–420. -
73G. Carlier.
A general existence result for the principal-agent problem with adverse selection, in: J. Math. Econom., 2001, vol. 35, no 1, pp. 129–150. -
74G. Carlier, V. Chernozhukov, A. Galichon.
Vector Quantile Regression, Arxiv 1406.4643, 2014. -
75G. Carlier, M. Comte, I. Ionescu, G. Peyré.
A Projection Approach to the Numerical Analysis of Limit Load Problems, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2011, vol. 21, no 6, pp. 1291–1316. [ DOI : doi:10.1142/S0218202511005325 ] -
76G. Carlier, X. Dupuis.
An iterated projection approach to variational problems under generalized convexity constraints and applications, In preparation, 2015. -
77G. Carlier, C. Jimenez, F. Santambrogio.
Optimal Transportation with Traffic Congestion and Wardrop Equilibria, in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2008, vol. 47, no 3, pp. 1330-1350. -
78G. Carlier, T. Lachand-Robert, B. Maury.
A numerical approach to variational problems subject to convexity constraint, in: Numer. Math., 2001, vol. 88, no 2, pp. 299–318. -
79G. Carlier, A. Oberman, É. Oudet.
Numerical methods for matching for teams and Wasserstein barycenters, in: M2AN, 2015, to appear. -
80J. A. Carrillo, S. Lisini, E. Mainini.
Uniqueness for Keller-Segel-type chemotaxis models, in: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 2014, vol. 34, no 4, pp. 1319–1338. -
81V. Caselles, A. Chambolle, M. Novaga.
The discontinuity set of solutions of the TV denoising problem and some extensions, in: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 2007, vol. 6, no 3, pp. 879–894. -
82F. A. C. C. Chalub, P. A. Markowich, B. Perthame, C. Schmeiser.
Kinetic models for chemotaxis and their drift-diffusion limits, in: Monatsh. Math., 2004, vol. 142, no 1-2, pp. 123–141. -
83A. Chambolle, T. Pock.
On the ergodic convergence rates of a first-order primal-dual algorithm, in: Preprint OO/2014/09/4532, 2014. -
84G. Charpiat, G. Nardi, G. Peyré, F.-X. Vialard.
Finsler Steepest Descent with Applications to Piecewise-regular Curve Evolution, Preprint hal-00849885, 2013. -
85S. S. Chen, D. L. Donoho, M. A. Saunders.
Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit, in: SIAM journal on scientific computing, 1999, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 33–61. -
86P. Choné, H. V. J. Le Meur.
Non-convergence result for conformal approximation of variational problems subject to a convexity constraint, in: Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 2001, vol. 22, no 5-6, pp. 529–547. -
87C. Cotar, G. Friesecke, C. Kluppelberg.
Density Functional Theory and Optimal Transportation with Coulomb Cost, in: Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013, vol. 66, no 4, pp. 548–599. -
88M. J. P. Cullen, W. Gangbo, G. Pisante.
The semigeostrophic equations discretized in reference and dual variables, in: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 2007, vol. 185, no 2, pp. 341–363. -
89M. J. P. Cullen, J. Norbury, R. J. Purser.
Generalised Lagrangian solutions for atmospheric and oceanic flows, in: SIAM J. Appl. Math., 1991, vol. 51, no 1, pp. 20–31. -
90M. Cuturi.
Sinkhorn Distances: Lightspeed Computation of Optimal Transport, in: Proc. NIPS, C. J. C. Burges, L. Bottou, Z. Ghahramani, K. Q. Weinberger (editors), 2013, pp. 2292–2300. -
91E. J. Dean, R. Glowinski.
Numerical methods for fully nonlinear elliptic equations of the Monge-Ampère type, in: Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 2006, vol. 195, no 13-16, pp. 1344–1386. -
92V. Duval, G. Peyré.
Exact Support Recovery for Sparse Spikes Deconvolution, in: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2014, pp. 1-41. -
93V. Duval, G. Peyré.
Sparse regularization on thin grids I: the L asso, in: Inverse Problems, 2017, vol. 33, no 5, 055008 p. [ DOI : 10.1088/1361-6420/aa5e12 ] -
94J. Fehrenbach, J.-M. Mirebeau.
Sparse Non-negative Stencils for Anisotropic Diffusion, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2014, vol. 49, no 1, pp. 123-147. -
95C. Fernandez-Granda.
Support detection in super-resolution, in: Proc. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2013, pp. 145–148. -
96A. Figalli, R. McCann, Y. Kim.
When is multi-dimensional screening a convex program?, in: Journal of Economic Theory, 2011. -
97J.-B. Fiot, H. Raguet, L. Risser, L. D. Cohen, J. Fripp, F.-X. Vialard.
Longitudinal deformation models, spatial regularizations and learning strategies to quantify Alzheimer's disease progression, in: NeuroImage: Clinical, 2014, vol. 4, no 0, pp. 718 - 729. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.02.002 ] -
98J.-B. Fiot, L. Risser, L. D. Cohen, J. Fripp, F.-X. Vialard.
Local vs Global Descriptors of Hippocampus Shape Evolution for Alzheimer's Longitudinal Population Analysis, in: Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, vol. 7570, pp. 13-24. -
99U. Frisch, S. Matarrese, R. Mohayaee, A. Sobolevski.
Monge-Ampère-Kantorovitch (MAK) reconstruction of the eary universe, in: Nature, 2002, vol. 417, no 260. -
100B. D. Froese, A. Oberman.
Convergent filtered schemes for the Monge-Ampère partial differential equation, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2013, vol. 51, no 1, pp. 423–444. -
101A. Galichon, P. Henry-Labordère, N. Touzi.
A stochastic control approach to No-Arbitrage bounds given marginals, with an application to Loopback options, in: submitted to Annals of Applied Probability, 2011. -
102W. Gangbo, R. McCann.
The geometry of optimal transportation, in: Acta Math., 1996, vol. 177, no 2, pp. 113–161. -
103E. Ghys.
Gaspard Monge, Le mémoire sur les déblais et les remblais, in: Image des mathématiques, CNRS, 2012.,1094.html -
104O. Guéant, J.-M. Lasry, P.-L. Lions.
Mean field games and applications, in: Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 2010, Berlin, Lecture Notes in Math., Springer, 2011, vol. 2003, pp. 205–266. -
105G. Herman.
Image reconstruction from projections: the fundamentals of computerized tomography, Academic Press, 1980. -
106D. D. Holm, J. T. Ratnanather, A. Trouvé, L. Younes.
Soliton dynamics in computational anatomy, in: NeuroImage, 2004, vol. 23, pp. S170–S178. -
107B. J. Hoskins.
The mathematical theory of frontogenesis, in: Annual review of fluid mechanics, Vol. 14, Palo Alto, CA, Annual Reviews, 1982, pp. 131–151. -
108R. Jordan, D. Kinderlehrer, F. Otto.
The variational formulation of the Fokker-Planck equation, in: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 1998, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 1–17. -
109W. Jäger, S. Luckhaus.
On explosions of solutions to a system of partial differential equations modelling chemotaxis, in: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1992, vol. 329, no 2, pp. 819–824. -
110L. Kantorovitch.
On the translocation of masses, in: C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS (N.S.), 1942, vol. 37, pp. 199–201. -
111E. Klann.
A Mumford-Shah-Like Method for Limited Data Tomography with an Application to Electron Tomography, in: SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, 2011, vol. 4, no 4, pp. 1029–1048. -
112J.-M. Lasry, P.-L. Lions.
Mean field games, in: Jpn. J. Math., 2007, vol. 2, no 1, pp. 229–260. -
113J. Lasserre.
Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments, in: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2001, vol. 11, no 3, pp. 796-817. -
114J. Lellmann, D. A. Lorenz, C. Schönlieb, T. Valkonen.
Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein Discrepancy, in: SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, 2014, vol. 7, no 4, pp. 2833–2859. -
115A. S. Lewis.
Active sets, nonsmoothness, and sensitivity, in: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2003, vol. 13, no 3, pp. 702–725. -
116B. Li, F. Habbal, M. Ortiz.
Optimal transportation meshfree approximation schemes for Fluid and plastic Flows, in: Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 83:1541–579, 2010, vol. 83, pp. 1541–1579. -
117G. Loeper.
A fully nonlinear version of the incompressible Euler equations: the semigeostrophic system, in: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2006, vol. 38, no 3, pp. 795–823 (electronic). -
118G. Loeper, F. Rapetti.
Numerical solution of the Monge-Ampére equation by a Newton's algorithm, in: C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2005, vol. 340, no 4, pp. 319–324. -
119D. Lombardi, E. Maitre.
Eulerian models and algorithms for unbalanced optimal transport, in: Preprint hal-00976501, 2013. -
120C. Léonard.
A survey of the Schrödinger problem and some of its connections with optimal transport, in: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 2014, vol. 34, no 4, pp. 1533–1574. -
121J. Maas, M. Rumpf, C. Schonlieb, S. Simon.
A generalized model for optimal transport of images including dissipation and density modulation, in: Arxiv preprint, 2014. -
122S. G. Mallat.
A wavelet tour of signal processing, Third, Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam, 2009. -
123B. Maury, A. Roudneff-Chupin, F. Santambrogio.
A macroscopic crowd motion model of gradient flow type, in: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2010, vol. 20, no 10, pp. 1787–1821. -
124M. I. Miller, A. Trouvé, L. Younes.
Geodesic Shooting for Computational Anatomy, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, March 2006, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 209–228. -
125J.-M. Mirebeau.
Adaptive, Anisotropic and Hierarchical cones of Discrete Convex functions, in: Preprint, 2014. -
126J.-M. Mirebeau.
Anisotropic Fast-Marching on Cartesian Grids Using Lattice Basis Reduction, in: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2014, vol. 52, no 4, pp. 1573-1599. -
127Q. Mérigot.
A multiscale approach to optimal transport, in: Computer Graphics Forum, 2011, vol. 30, no 5, pp. 1583–1592. -
128Q. Mérigot, É. Oudet.
Handling Convexity-Like Constraints in Variational Problems, in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2014, vol. 52, no 5, pp. 2466–2487. -
129N. Papadakis, G. Peyré, É. Oudet.
Optimal Transport with Proximal Splitting, in: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2014, vol. 7, no 1, pp. 212–238. [ DOI : 10.1137/130920058 ] -
130B. Pass, N. Ghoussoub.
Optimal transport: From moving soil to same-sex marriage, in: CMS Notes, 2013, vol. 45, pp. 14–15. -
131B. Pass.
Uniqueness and Monge Solutions in the Multimarginal Optimal Transportation Problem, in: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2011, vol. 43, no 6, pp. 2758-2775. -
132B. Perthame, F. Quiros, J. L. Vazquez.
The Hele-Shaw Asymptotics for Mechanical Models of Tumor Growth, in: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2014, vol. 212, no 1, pp. 93-127. -
133J. Petitot.
The neurogeometry of pinwheels as a sub-riemannian contact structure, in: Journal of Physiology-Paris, 2003, vol. 97, no 23, pp. 265–309. -
134G. Peyré.
Texture Synthesis with Grouplets, in: Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, April 2010, vol. 32, no 4, pp. 733–746. -
135B. Piccoli, F. Rossi.
Generalized Wasserstein distance and its application to transport equations with source, in: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2014, vol. 211, no 1, pp. 335–358. -
136C. Poon.
Structure dependent sampling in compressed sensing: theoretical guarantees for tight frames, in: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2015. -
137H. Raguet, J. Fadili, G. Peyré.
A Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting, in: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2013, vol. 6, no 3, pp. 1199–1226. [ DOI : 10.1137/120872802 ] -
138J.-C. Rochet, P. Choné.
Ironing, Sweeping and multi-dimensional screening, in: Econometrica, 1998. -
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