Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
V. Duval is the PI of the CIPRESSI (ANR JCJC) project. Its aim is to develop novel numerical schemes which respect the continuous nature of the variational problems in image or signal processing.
J-D. Benamou and G. Carlier are members of the ANR MFG (ANR-16-CE40-0015-01). Scientific topics of the project: Mean field analysis Analysis of the MFG systems and of the Master equation Numerical analysis Models and applications
J-D. Benamou G. Carlier F-X. Vialard and T. O. Gallouët are members of ANR MAGA (ANR-13-JS01-0007-01). The Monge-Ampère equation is a fully nonlinear elliptic equation, which plays a central role in geometry and in the theory of optimal transport. However, the singular and non-linear nature of the equation is a serious obstruction to its efficient numerical resolution. The first aim of the MAGA project is to study and to implement discretizations of optimal transport and Monge-Ampère equations which rely on tools from computational geometry (Laguerre diagrams). In a second step, these solvers will be applied to concrete problems from various fields involving optimal transport or Monge-Ampère equations such as computational physics: early universe reconstruction problem, congestion/incompressibility constraints economics: principal agent problems, geometry: variational problems over convex bodies, reflector and refractor design for non-imaging optics
T. O. Gallouët is member of the ANR GEOPOR (JCJC of C. Cancès) Scientific topic: geometrical approach, based on Wasserstein gradient flow, for multiphase flows in porous media. Theory and Numerics.
T. O. Gallouët is member of the ANR MESA (JCJC of M. Fathi) Scientific topic: Stein methods.