Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • DUT: I. Illina, Java programming (56 hours), Linux programming (58 hours), and Advanced Java programming (40 hours), L1, University of Lorraine, France

  • DUT: I. Illina, Supervision of student projects and internships (50 hours), L2, University of Lorraine, France

  • DUT: R. Serizel, Introduction to office tools (108 hours), Multimedia and web (20 hours), Documents and databases (20 hours), L1, University of Lorraine, France

  • DUT: R. Serizel, Multimedia content and indexing (14 hours), Content indexing and retrieval software (20 hours), L2, University of Lorraine, France

  • DUT: S. Ouni, Programming in Java (24 hours), Web Programming (24 hours), Graphical User Interface (96 hours), L1, University of Lorraine, France

  • DUT: S. Ouni, Advanced Algorihms (24 hours), L2, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: A. Bonneau, Speech manipulations (2 hours), L1, Département d'orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: A. Bonneau, Phonetics (17 hours), L2, École d’audioprothèse, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: V. Colotte, Digital literacy and tools (hybrid courses, 50 hours), L1, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: V. Colotte, System (45 hours), L3, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: O. Mella, Introduction to Web Programming (22 hours), Digital tools (20 hours), L1, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: O. Mella, Computer Networking (72 hours), L2-L3, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Education Science (32 hours), L1, Département d'orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Learning to Read (34 hours), L2, Département d'orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Dyslexia, Dysorthographia (12 hours), L3, Département d'orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: V. Colotte, Introduction to Speech Analysis and Recognition (18 hours), M1, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: V. Colotte, Integration project: multimodal interaction with Pepper (10 hours), M2, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: D. Jouvet and S. Ouni, Multimodal oral comunication (24 hours), M2, University of Lorraine

  • Master: Y. Laprie, Speech corpora (30 hours), M1, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: O. Mella, Computer Networking (67 hours), Introduction to Speech Analysis and Recognition (12 hours), M1, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: S. Ouni, Multimedia in Distributed Information Systems (31 hours), M2, University of Lorraine

  • Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Dyslexia, Dysorthographia diagnosis (9 hours), Deaf people & reading (21 hours), M1, Département d'orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer , Psycholinguistics (20 hours), Departement Orthophonie, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

  • Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, French Language Didactics (53 hours), ESPE, INSPE University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Psychology (6 hours), M2, Departement of Psychology, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: R. Serizel, Introduction to machine listening (3 hours), M2, University of Lorraine

  • Master: R. Serizel and S. Ouni, Oral speech processing (24 hours), M2, University of Lorraine

  • Master: E. Vincent and A. Kulkarni, Neural networks (38 hours), M2, University of Lorraine

  • Continuous training: O. Mella, DIU "Teaching computer science in high school" (7 hours), Computer science courses for secondary school teachers (ISN courses, 21 hours), ESPE, University of Lorraine, France

  • Continuous training: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Special Educational Needs (53 hours), ESPE, INSPE, University of Lorraine, France

  • Other: V. Colotte, Co-Responsible for NUMOC (Digital literacy by hybrid courses) for the University of Lorraine, France (for 7000 students)

  • Doctorat: A. Piquard-Kipffer , Language Pathology (20 hours), EHESP, University of Sorbonne, Paris, France


  • PhD: Mathieu Fontaine, “Processus alpha-stable pour le traitement du signal”, University of Lorraine, Jun. 12, 2019, A. Liutkus and R. Badeau (Télécom ParisTech) [1].

  • PhD: Lauréline Perotin, “Localisation et rehaussement de sources de parole au format Ambisonique”, University of Lorraine, Oct. 31, 2019, R. Serizel, E. Vincent, and A. Guérin (Orange) [2].

  • PhD: Anastasiia Tsukanova, “Coarticulation modeling in articulatory synthesis”, University of Lorraine, Dec. 13, 2019, Y. Laprie .

  • PhD in progress: Amal Houidhek, "Synthèse paramétrique de parole arabe", Dec. 2015, cotutelle, V. Colotte, D. Jouvet and Z. Mnasri (ENIT, Tunisia).

  • PhD in progress: Amine Menacer, “Traduction automatique de vidéos”, May 2016, K. Smaïli (LORIA) and D. Jouvet.

  • PhD in progress: Nathan Libermann, “Deep learning for musical structure analysis and generation”, Oct. 2016, F. Bimbot (IRISA) and E. Vincent.

  • PhD in progress: Théo Biasutto, "Multimodal coarticulation modeling: Towards the animation of an intelligible speaking head", Dec. 2016, S. Ouni.

  • PhD in progress: Sara Dahmani, "Modeling facial expressions to animate a realistic 3D virtual talking head", Jan. 2017, S. Ouni and V. Colotte.

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Carbajal, “Apprentissage profond bout-en-bout pour le rehaussement de la parole”, Mar. 2017, R. Serizel, E. Vincent and É. Humbert (Invoxia).

  • PhD in progress: Sunit Sivasankaran, “Exploiting contextual information in the speech processing chain”, Jul. 2017, D. Fohr and E. Vincent.

  • PhD in progress: Ioannis Douros, “Combining cineMRI and static MRI to analyze speech production”, Jul. 2017, P.-A. Vuissoz (IADI) and Y. Laprie.

  • PhD in progress: Diego Di Carlo, “Estimating the Geometry of Audio Scenes Using Virtually-Supervised Learning”, Oct. 2017, A. Deleforge and N. Bertin (Inria Rennes).

  • PhD in progress: Lou Lee, “Du lexique au discours: les particules discursives en français”, Oct. 2017, Y. Keromnes (ATILF) and D. Jouvet.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Turpault, “Deep learning for sound scene analysis in real environments”, Jan. 2018, R. Serizel and E. Vincent.

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Duroselle, “Adaptation de domaine par réseaux de neurones appliquée au traitement de la parole”, Sept. 2018, D. Jouvet and I. Illina.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Furnon, “Deep-learning based speech enhancement with ad-hoc microphone arrays”, Oct. 2018, R. Serizel, I. Illina and S. Essid (Télécom ParisTech).

  • PhD in progress: Ajinkya Kulkarni, "Synthèse de parole expressive par apprentissage profond", Oct. 2018, V. Colotte and D. Jouvet.

  • PhD in progress: Manuel Pariente, “Deep learning-based phase-aware audio signal modeling and estimation”, Oct. 2018, A. Deleforge and E. Vincent.

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Dufraux, “Leveraging noisy, incomplete, or implicit labels for automatic speech recognition”, Nov. 2018, E. Vincent, A. Brun (LORIA) and M. Douze (Facebook AI Research).

  • PhD in progress: Ashwin Geet D'Sa, "Natural Language Processing: Online hate speech against migrants", Apr. 2019, I. Illina and D. Fohr.

  • PhD in progress: Tulika Bose, "Online hate speech and topic classification", Sep. 2019, I. Illina, D. Fohr and A. Monnier (CREM).

  • PhD in progress: Mauricio Michel Olvera Zambrano, “Robust audio event detection”, Oct. 2019, E. Vincent and G. Gasso (LITIS).

  • PhD in progress: Shakeel Ahmad Sheikh, "Identifying disfluency in speakers with stuttering, and its rehabilitation, using DNN", Oct. 2019, S. Ouni.

  • PhD in progress: Sandipana Dowerah, “Robust speaker verification from far-field speech”, Oct. 2019, D. Jouvet and R. Serizel.

  • PhD in progress: Georgios Zervakis, “Integration of symbolic knowledge into deep learning”, Nov. 2019, M. Couceiro (LORIA) and E. Vincent.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Zampieri, "Automatic classification using deep learning of hate speech posted on the Internet", Nov. 2019, I. Illina and D. Fohr.


Participation in HDR and PhD juries
  • Participation in the HDR jury of Fabrice Hirsch (Sorbonne nouvelle University, Nov. 2019), Y. Laprie.

  • Participation in the HDR jury of Éric Bavu (CNAM, Dec. 2019), E. Vincent, president.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Corentin Louboutin (Bretagne Loire University, Mar. 2019), E. Vincent, president.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Neil Zeghidour (PSL Research University, Mar. 2019), E. Vincent, reviewer and president.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Zied Elloumi (Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes, Mar. 2019), D. Jouvet, reviewer.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Céline Jacques (Sorbonne University, Apr. 2019), E. Vincent.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of João Felipe Santos (University of Québec, Jul. 2019), E. Vincent, reviewer.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Alice Cohen-Hadria (Sorbonne University, Oct. 2019), E. Vincent, reviewer.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Lode Vuegen (KU Leuven, Oct. 2019), R. Serizel.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Anne Bouvet (Grenoble Alpes University, Nov. 2019), Y. Laprie.

  • Participation in the Phd jury of Kevin Vythelingum (Le Mans Université, Dec. 2019), D. Jouvet, reviewer.

  • Participation in the PhD jury of Karima Abidi (Univertsité de Lorraine, Dec. 2019), D. Jouvet, president.

Participation in other juries
  • Participation in CAFIPEMPF Jury - Master Learning Facilitator, Académie de Nancy-Metz & Université de Lorraine, Apr. & May 2019, A. Piquard-Kipffer

  • Participation in the Competitive Entrance Examination into Speech-Language Pathology Department, University of Lorraine, Jun. 2019, A. Piquard-Kipffer.