Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • Member of the Commission Information et Edition Scientifique of Inria Nancy (A. Deleforge).

Articles and contents

  • Interview for “Un assistant vocal qui protège les données”, France 3 Grand Est, Jun. 7, 2019 (E. Vincent)

  • Interview for “La voix crescendo”, L’Usine Nouvelle, Jun. 27, 2019 (E. Vincent)

  • Interview for “On transmet beaucoup plus d’informations par la voix qu’un message”, Rue89 Strasbourg, Nov. 20, 2019 (E. Vincent)

  • Participation to the white paper “AI in the media and creative industries”, New European Media (NEM) consortium (E. Vincent) [52]


  • 5 interventions (3 hours) : "Dyslexic pupils in mainstream and special education". Training of trainers. ESPE de l'Académie de Nancy-Metz. Feb., Mar. & May 2019 (A. Piquard-Kipffer)


  • 6 interventions (1 hour) on robot audition and artificial intelligence research in classes from 5th (CM2) to 12th (terminale) grade around Nancy, Jan. 2019 (A. Deleforge)

  • Talk “Parole & deep learning: succès et grands défis”, Journée IA, Langage et Citoyens, LORIA, Mar. 2019; and also at Meetup IA Nancy, Jun. 2019 (E. Vincent)

  • Panel discussion on “Se positionner à l’Europe, une opportunité à saisir”, General assembly of Pôle Materalia, Nancy, Apr. 2019 (E. Vincent)

  • Demos and talk "Aider des enfants ayant des troubles du langage, quels métiers ? Quels outils ?" Forum des métiers, Collège Péguy, Le Chesnay, Apr. 2019 (A. Piquard-Kipffer)

  • 4 interventions (1 hour) on robot audition and artificial intelligence research in high-school classes in Serbia, Sep. 2019 (A. Deleforge)

  • Demo “Apprendre aux robots à nous entendre” at the “Nuit des Chercheurs” of Belgrade, Serbia in Sept. 2019 and of Nancy for the 80th anniversary of CNRS in Oct. 2019 (A. Deleforge)

  • Demos “Apprendre aux robots à nous entendre” and “Assistants vocaux et vie privée”, Fête de la Science, Université de Lorraine, Oct. 2019 (A. Deleforge, I. Illina, M. Sahidullah, B. M. L. Srivastava, E. Vincent)

  • Panel discussion “Tous connectés et après : les enjeux des applications d'interactions vocales”, Shadok, Strasbourg, Nov. 2019 (E. Vincent)

Internal action

  • “H2020 COMPRISE”, Internal “Café'In” event, Inria Nancy, Jun. 2019 (E. Vincent & Z. Chelly-Dagdia)

Creation of media or tools for science outreach