Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Member of the Organizing Committees
Scientific Events: Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Guillaume Pierre is co-chair of the Intelligent Systems and Infrastructure track of the TheWebConf 2020 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie is co-chair of the Architecture and Networking track of the IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2019 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie is global co-chair of the Cluster and Cloud Computing track of the EuroPar 2019 conference.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Guillaume Pierre was a PC member of the TheWebConf 2019 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a PC member of the ACM/IEEE CCGRID 2019 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a PC member of the ACM/IFIP Middleware 2019 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a PC member of the Conpas 2019 conference.
Guillaume Pierre was a PC member of the InterCloud-HPC 2019 workshop.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a PC member of the IEEE HiPC 2019 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a PC member of the ICA3PP 2019 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a PC member of the IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2019 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a PC member of the ICPP 2019 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a PC member of the AlgoTel 2019 conference.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a PC member of the IEEE IC2E 2019 conference.
Cédric Tedeschi was a PC member of the ICPP 2019 conference.
Cédric Tedeschi was a PC member of the IEEE ICWS 2019 conference.
Cédric Tedeschi was a PC member of the Conpas 2019 conference.
Nikos Parlavantzas was a PC member of the UCC 2019 conference.
Nikos Parlavantzas was a PC member of the CloudCom 2019 conference.
Nikos Parlavantzas was a PC member of the ISPDC 2019 conference.
Nikos Parlavantzas was a PC member of the CrossCloud 2019 workshop.
Nikos Parlavantzas was a PC member of the VHPC 2019 workshop.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Anne-Cécile Orgerie is member of the editorial board of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, SAGE Publishing.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Guillaume Pierre reviewed one article for the IEEE Networking Letters.
Guillaume Pierre reviewed one article for the Software: Practice and Experience journal.
Nikos Parlavantzas reviewed one article for the Applied Computing and Informatics journal.
Marin Bertier reviewed one article for the Journal of Supercomuting.
Martin Quinson reviewed one article for the Journal of Computational Design and Engineering.
Invited Talks
Guillaume Pierre gave a keynote speech at the IEEE CloudNet 2019 conference: “From Cloud to Fog: The Tao of IT Infrastructure Decentralization.”
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a seminar at LORIA lab in September 2019.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a seminar at the scientific council of INS2I in September 2019.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk at the Cloud Control Workshop in June 2019.
Martin Quinson gave a talk at the "Algorithmes et programmation" workshop, at Centre International des Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) in May 2019.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Scientific Expertise
Jean-Louis Pazat is the coordinator of experts in Information Technology for the evaluation of international bilateral collaborations at the ministry of research and education.