Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Bachelor: Marin Bertier, Networks, Département Informatique L3, Insa Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Marin Bertier, Language C, Département Informatique L3, Insa Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Marin Bertier, Language C, Département Mathématique L3, Insa Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Jean-Louis Pazat, Introduction à la programmation, L1, Département STPI, INSA de Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Jean-Louis Pazat, Calcul Hautes Performances, Département Informatique L3, Insa Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Jean-Louis Pazat, Calcul Hautes Performances, Département Mathematiques L3, Insa Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Guillaume Pierre, Systèmes Informatiques, L3 MIAGE, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Bachelor: Guillaume Pierre, Systèmes d'exploitation, L3 Informatique, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Bachelor: Martin Quinson, Architecture et Systèmes, 60 hETD, L3 Informatique, ENS Rennes.

  • Bachelor: Martin Quinson, Pedagogy, 15 hETD, L3 Informatique, ENS Rennes.

  • Master: Marin Bertier, Operating Systems, Département Informatique M1, INSA de Rennes

  • Master: Marin Bertier, Distributed systems, Département Informatique M2, INSA de Rennes

  • Master: Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Cloud & Big Data, 30 hETD, M1, ENS Rennes.

  • Master: Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Green ICT, 4.5 hETD, M2, Telecom SudParis Evry.

  • Master: Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Green ICT,3 hETD, M2, ENSSAT Lannion.

  • Master: Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Green IT, 6 hETD, M1, INSA Rennes.

  • Master: Nikos Parlavantzas, Clouds, M1, INSA Rennes.

  • Master: Nikos Parlavantzas, Performance Evaluation, M1, INSA Rennes.

  • Master: Nikos Parlavantzas, Project in Large-Scale Systems, M2, INSA Rennes.

  • Master: Nikos Parlavantzas, Big Data and Applications, M1, INSA Rennes.

  • Master: Jean-Louis Pazat, Parallel Computing, M1 Département Informatique Insa Rennes.

  • Master: Jean-Louis Pazat, Internet Of Things, M1 & M2 Département Informatique Insa Rennes.

  • Master: Guillaume Pierre, Distributed Systems, M1, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Guillaume Pierre, Service technology, M1, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Guillaume Pierre, Techniques de développement pour le cloud, M2, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Guillaume Pierre, Advanced Cloud Infrastructures, M2, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Martin Quinson, Préparation à l'Agrégation de Science Industrielle (Programming and Software Engineering, 20h ETD; Operating Systems and C programming, 20 hETD; Networking, 20h ETD), ENS Rennes.

  • Master: Martin Quinson, Scientific Outreach, M2, 30 hEDT, ENS Rennes.

  • Master: Cédric Tedeschi, Concurrency in Systems and Networks, M1, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Cédric Tedeschi, Service Technology, M1, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Cédric Tedeschi, Parallel Programming, M1, Univ. Rennes 1.

  • Master: Cédric Tedeschi, Systems, L3, Univ. Rennes 1.


  • Defended PhD: Genc Tato, “Locality-aware Lazy Overlay Networks for WANs,” defended on December 19th 2019, supervised by Marin Bertier, Cédric Tedeschi.

  • Defended PhD: The Anh Pham, “Dynamic Formal Verification of High Performance Runtimes and Applications,” defended on December 6th 2019, supervised by Martin Quinson, Thierry Jéron.

  • Defended PhD: Amir Teshome Wonjiga, “User-Centric Security Monitoring in Cloud Environments”, defended on June 3rd 2019, supervised by Louis Rilling and Christine Morin.

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Gougeon, “Designing an energy-efficient communication network for the dynamic and distributed control of the electrical grid”, started in September 2019, supervised by Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson.

  • PhD in progress: Paulo Rodrigues De Souza Junior, “fog computing service roaming techniques”, started in December 2018, supervised by Guillaume Pierre and Daniele Miorandi (U-Hopper srl, Italy).

  • PhD in progress: Davaadorj Battulga, “Scalable data pipelines for fog computing applications”, started in September 2018, supervised by Cédric Tedeschi and Daniele Miorandi (U-Hopper srl, Italy).

  • PhD in progress: Mulugeta Tamiru, “Automatic optimization of autonomous management systems”, started in September 2018, supervised by Guillaume Pierre and Erik Elmroth (Elastisys AB, Sweden).

  • PhD in progress: Mozhdeh Farhadi, “Fog computing-enabled IoT situation-aware services”, started in June 2018, supervised by Guillaume Pierre and Daniele Miorandi (U-Hopper srl, Italy).

  • PhD in progress: Hamidreza Arkian, “Stream processing operator placement”, started in June 2018, supervised by Guillaume Pierre and Erik Elmroth (Elastisys AB, Sweden).

  • PhD in progress: Mehdi Belkhiria, “Dynamic Stream Processing for Maritime Traffic Surveillance,” started in December 2017, supervised by Cédric Tedeschi.

  • PhD in progress (co-tutelle): Yasmina Bouizem, “Energy-efficient, fault-tolerance mechanisms for containerized cloud applications,” started in December 2017, supervised by Didi Fedoua (Tlemcen University, Algeria), Djawida Dib (Tlemcen University, Algeria), Christine Morin and Nikos Parlavantzas.

  • PhD in progress: Ali Jawad Fahs, “Decentralized Fog Computing Infrastructure Control”, started in October 2017, supervised by Guillaume Pierre.

  • PhD in progress: Clément El Baz, “Reactive security monitoring in clouds,” started in October 2017, supervised by Louis Rilling and Christine Morin.

  • PhD in progress: Loic Guegan, “Simulating Internet of Things”, started in October 2017, supervised by Martin Quinson and Anne-Cécile Orgerie.

  • PhD in progress: Dorra Boughzala, “Simulating Energy Consumption of Continuum Computing between Heterogeneous Numerical Infrastructures in HPC”, started in December 2017, supervised by Laurent Lefèvre (Avalon team in Lyon), Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Martin Quinson.

  • PhD in progress: Arif Ahmed, “Scalable Decentralized Edge Cloud Infrastructures”, started in October 2016, supervised by Guillaume Pierre.

  • PhD in progress: Baptiste Goupille-Lescar, “Designing agile, distributed cyber-physical systems with advanced collaboration capabilities”, started in January 2016, supervised by Eric Lenormand (Thales), Christine Morin, Nikos Parlavantzas.

  • PhD in progress: Bruno Stevant, “Resource allocation strategies for service distribution at the Internet edge to optimize end-to-end latency,” started in December 2014 (part-time), supervised by Jean-Louis Pazat.


  • Guillaume Pierre chaired the PhD committee of Alexandre Veith, ENS Lyon, September 23rd 2019.

  • Guillaume Pierre chaired the PhD committee of Jad Darrous, ENS Lyon, December 17th 2019.

  • Martin Quinson chaired the PhD committee of Pierre Huchant, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique, Informatique, Télécommunications, Mathématique et Mécanique de Bordeaux (ENSEIRB-MATMECA), March 29th 2019.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie is a member of the jury for Agrégation externe de Sciences Industrielles de l'Ingénieur option ingénierie informatique.

  • Martin Quinson is a member of the jury for Capes d'informatique.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a member of the PhD committee of Ayham Kassab, Université de Franche-Comté, November 14th 2019.

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie was a member of the PhD committee of Gustavo Rostirolla, Université Toulouse 3, November 25th 2019.

  • Louis Rilling was a member of the PhD committee of Guillaume Averlant, INSA Toulouse, October 2nd 2019.

  • Louis Rilling was a guest of the PhD committee of Mohammad Mahdi Bazm, Université de Nantes, July 8th 2019.