Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • Martin Quinson is on the scientific board of the Blaise Pascal foundation, boosting the scientific outreach in the domains of Maths and Computer Science.


  • Guillaume Pierre shared his experience as the coordinator of a H2020 Maria Skłodowska Curie Action project with CCRRDT, the Brittany Region's consultative committee for research and technological development. January 14th 2019.

  • “L codent L créent” is an outreach program to send PhD students to teach Python to middle school students in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. Tassadit Bouadi (Lacodam), Camille Maumet (Empenn) and Anne-Cécile Orgerie (Myriads) are coordinating the local version of this program, initiated in Lille. The first session in Rennes occured in April 2019, and a new session has started for 2019-2020. The program is currently supported by: Fondation Blaise Pascal, ED MathSTIC, Université Rennes 1 and Fondation Rennes 1.

  • “J'peux pas, j'ai informatique” is an outreach program to deconstruct IT stereotypes. Organized over one day, this program welcomes 110 college students (5ème) each year and is coordinated by Anne-Cécile Orgerie. The next event is planned in April 2020.

  • Martin Quinson participated to the DIU EIL (Enseigner l'Informatique au Lycée), training existing maths and enginering teachers so that they can teach Informatics in their colleges.

  • Martin Quinson is in charge of a M2 lecture on scientific vulgarization at ENS Rennes. The students are asked to come up with new activities (or improve existing ones) on their research field.

  • Martin Quinson gave a doctoral teaching on December 13 on scientific outreach targeting either schools or science forums at IRISA laboratory.

Internal action

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

  • Martin Quinson is working on a set of new outreach activities with his Master 2 class at ENS Rennes since several years. The most promising activities are then tested on field in schools during another lecture at ENS Rennes, at Licence 3 level. All available resources are freely available at https://github.com/InfoSansOrdi/pedago-rennes/.