Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : E. Chouzenoux. Foundations of Distributed and Large Scale Computing, 26h, M.Sc. in Data Sciences and Business Analytics, 3rd year CentraleSupélec, MVA ENS Cachan, Master Optimization Paris Sud and ESSEC Business School, FR
Master: E. Chouzenoux. Advanced Machine Learning, 18h, 3rd year CentraleSupélec, FR
Master: F. Malliaros. Machine Learning, 27h, M.Sc. in Data Sciences and Business Analytics, CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School and M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence, CentraleSupélec, FR.
Master: F. Malliaros. Introduction to Machine Learning, 33h, 2nd year course at CentraleSupélec, FR.
Master: F. Malliaros. Mathematical Modeling of Propagation Phenomena – Propagation on Graphs, 15h, 1st year course at CentraleSupélec, FR.
Master: Oyallon, Edouard. Deep Learning, 24h, 3rd year CentraleSupélec, FR
Master: Oyallon, Edouard. Reinforcement Learning, 24h, 3rd year CentraleSupélec, FR
Master : J.C. Pesquet. Advanced course on Optimization, 33h, M1, CentraleSupélec, FR
Master: J.C. Pesquet. Introduction to Optimization, 6h, MVA ENS Cachan, FR
Master: Talbot, Hugues. Discrete Optimisation, 2nd year course, CentraleSupelec, 30h, EN
Master: Talbot, Hugues. Big Data, Techniques and Platforms, M.Sc in Data Science and Business Analytics, CentraleSupelec and ESSEC Business School, 30h, EN
Master: Talbot, Hugues. Optimisation for AI, M.Sc in AI, CentraleSupelec and ESSEC Business School, 30h, EN
Master: M. Vakalopoulou. Introduction to Visual Computing, 25h, 3rd year CentraleSupélec, FR
Master: M. Vakalopoulou. Deep Learning, 25h, 3rd year CentraleSupélec, FR
Master: M. Vakalopoulou. Introduction to Machine Learning, 33h, 2nd year CentraleSupélec, FR
Lecturing activities
F. Malliaros. Summer School Artificial Intelligence, July 1-12, 2019, CentraleSupélec.
J.C. Pesquet. Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics in Vienna, 4-6 March 2019, Austria.
M. Vakalopoulou. Summer School on Artificial Intelligence, July 1-12n 2019, CentraleSupélec.
E. Chouzenoux. Summer School Sparsity for Physics, Signal and Learning, June 24-27, 2019, Inria Paris.
PhD (defended) : Huu Dien Khue Le, Algorithme des directions alternées non convexe pour graphes: inférence et apprentissage, 2016-2019, supervised by N. Paragios.
PhD (defended) : Riza Alp Guler, Apprentissage de Correspondances Image-Surface, 2016-2019, supervised by I. Kokkinos and N. Paragios.
PhD (defended) : Marie-Caroline Corbineau, Fast online optimization algorithms for machine learning and medical imaging, 2016-2019, supervised by E. Chouzenoux and J.-C. Pesquet.
PhD (defended) : Loubna El Gueddari, Parallel proximal algorithms for compressed sensing MRI reconstruction - Applications to ultra-high magnetic field imaging, 2016-2019, supervised by J.-C. Pesquet and Ph. Ciuciu (Inria PARIETAL).
PhD (in progress) : Abdulkadir Çelikkanat, Representation learning methods on graphs, 2017-2020, supervised by F. Malliaros and N. Paragios.
PhD (in progress): Yunshi Huang, Majorization-Minimization approaches for large scale problems in image processing, 2018-2021, supervised by E. Chouzenoux and V. Elvira (Univ. Edinburgh).
PhD (in progress) : Samy Ammari, Imagerie médicale computationnelle en neuro oncologie, 2019-2022, supervised by C. Balleyguier (Institut Gustave Roussy) and E. Chouzenoux.
PhD (in progress) : Georgios Panagopoulos, Influence maximization in social networks, 2018-2021, supervised by F. Malliaros and M. Vazirgiannis (École Polytechnique).
PhD (in progress): Surabhi Jagtap, Graph-based learning from multi-omics data, 2019-2022, supervised by F. Malliaros, J.-C. Pesquet, and L. Duval (IFP Energies Nouvelles).
PhD (in progress): Kavya Gupta, Neural network solutions for safety of complex systems, 2019-2022, supervised by F. Malliaros, J.-C. Pesquet and F. Kaakai (Thales Group).
PhD (in progress): Maria Papadomanolaki, Change Detection from Multitemporal High Resolution Data with Deep Learning, 2017-2021, supervised by M. Vakalopoulou and with K. Karantzalos.
PhD (in progress): Mihir Sahasrabudhe, Unsupervised ans Weakly Supervised Deep Learning Methods for Computer Vision and Medical Imaging, 2016-2020, supervised by N. Paragios.
PhD (in progress): Théo Estienne, Improving anticancer therapies efficacy through Machine Learning on Medical Imaging & Genomic Data, 2017-2020, supervised by M. Vakalopoulou and N. Paragios.
PhD (in progress): Enzo Battistella, Development of novel imaging approaches for tumour phenotype assessment by noninvasive imaging 2017-2020, supervised by M. Vakalopoulou and N. Paragios.
PhD (in progress): Roger Sun, Deep learning and computer vision approaches on medical imaging and genomic data to improve the prediction of anticancer therapies' efficacy, 2017-2020, supervised by M. Vakalopoulou and N. Paragios.
PhD (in progress): Ana Neacsu, Méthodes d'apprentissage profond inspirées d'algorithmes de traitement du signal, 2019-2022, supervised by J.-C. Pesquet and C. Burileanu (Politehnica Bucarest).
PhD (in progress): Sagar Verma, Modélisation, contrôle et supervision de moteurs électriques par réseaux de neurones profonds, 2019-2022, supervised by M. Castella and J.-C. Pesquet.
PhD (in progress): Maïssa Sghaier, clinical Task-Based Reconstruction in tomosynthesis, 2017-2020, supervised by J.-C. Pesquet and S. Muller (GE Healthcare).
PhD (in progress): Marion Savanier, Reconstruction 3D interventionnelle, 2019-2022, supervised by E. Chouzenoux and C. Riddell (GE Healthcare).
PhD (in progress): Arthur Marmin, Rational models optimized exactly for chemical processes improvement, 2017-2020, supervised by M. Castella (Telecom Paristech) and J.-C. Pesquet.
PhD (in progress): Sylvain Lempereur. Analyse quantitative de la morphologie de poissons aux stades larvaire et juvénile. 2017-2020. Supervised by Hugues Talbot and Jean-Stéphane Joly (CNRS).
PhD (in progress): Daniel Antunes: Contraintes géométriques et approches variationnelles pour l'analyse d'image. 2016-2019. Supervised by Hugues Talbot and Jacques-Olivier Lachaud (U. Savoie-Mont Blanc)
PhD (in progress): Marie-Charlotte Poilpre: Méthode de comparaison faciale morphologique, adaptée aux expertise judiciaires, basée sur la modélisation 3D. 2017-2020. Supervised by Hugues Talbot and Vincent Nozick (U. Paris-Est)
PhD (in progress): Thank Xuan Nguyen. Détection et étude morphologique des sources extra-galactiques par analyse variationnelle. 2018-2021. Supervised by Hugues Talbot and Laurent Najman (ESIEE)
PhD (in progress): Marvin Lerousseau. Apprentissage statistique en imagerie médicale et en génomique pour prédire l'efficacité des thérapies anti-tumorales. 2018-2021. Supervised by Nikos Paragios (Therapanacea), Eric Deutch (IGR) and Hugues Talbot.
PhD (in progress): Mario Viti. Low-dose assessment of coronal vessel health on CT. 2019-2022. Supervised by Hugues Talbot.
The faculty members of the team participated to numerous PhD Thesis Committees, HDR Committees and served as Grant Reviewers. Moreover, they serve regularly as a jury Member to Final Engineering Internship and the Research Innovation Project for students of CentraleSupélec, FR.