OPIS - 2019
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Image Registration of Satellite Imagery with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Participants: Maria Vakalopoulou and Mihir Sahasrabudhe (Collaboration: Stergios Christodoulidis, Stavroula Mougiakakou and Nikos Paragios, University of Bern and Therapanacea)

Image registration in multimodal, multitemporal satellite imagery is one of the most important problems in remote sensing and essential for a number of other tasks such as change detection and image fusion. In this study [52], inspired by the recent success of deep learning approaches we propose a novel convolutional neural network architecture that couples linear and deformable approaches for accurate alignment of remote sensing imagery. The proposed method is completely unsupervised, ensures smooth displacement fields and provides real time registration on a pair of images. We evaluate the performance of our method using a challenging multitemporal dataset of very high resolution satellite images and compare its performance with a state of the art elastic registration method based on graphical models. Both quantitative and qualitative results prove the high potentials of our method.