Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • The scientific animation in the Orpailleur team is based on the Team Seminar which is called the “Malotec” seminar (http://malotec.loria.fr/). The Malotec seminar is held in general twice a month and is used either for general presentations of members of the team or for invited presentations of external researchers.

  • Members of the Orpailleur team are all involved, as members or as head persons, in various national research groups.

  • The members of the Orpailleur team are involved in the organization of conferences and workshops, as members of conference program committees (AAAI, ECAI, ECML-PKDD, ESWC, ICCBR, ICDM, ICFCA, IJCAI, ISWC, KDD, SDM...), as members of editorial boards, and finally in the organization of journal special issues.