Section: Dissemination
Scientific Events Organization, General Chairs, Scientific Chairs
Amedeo Napoli was the scientific co-chair with Sergei Kuznetsov of the track “General Topics of Data Analysis” at the AIST Conference held in Kazan Russia on July 17-19 2019 (8th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks, and Texts and
Amedeo Napoli was the scientific co-chair with Sergei O. Kuznetsov (HSE Moscow) and Sebastian Rudolph (TU Dresden) of the seventh workshop FCA4AI “What can do FCA for Artificial Intelligence”, which was co-located with the IJCAI Conference in Macao China, August 10 2019 (see
Miguel Couceiro and Amedeo Napoli were the general and scientific chairs of the 26ièmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification (SFC 2019) that were held on September 3-5 at Inria NGE/LORIA Nancy (see