Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Antoine Boutet: Workshop on data transparency, 10/10/2018, Lyon, France.

  • Claude Castelluccia: AI & Information Disorder as part of the Global Forum on AI for Humanity forum, October 2019, Paris, France.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Antoine Boutet: Workshop on data transparency, 10/10/2019, Lyon, France.

  • Antoine Boutet: Winter School on Distributed Systems and Networks 2019, 4-8/02/2019, Sept Laux, France.

  • Antoine Boutet: SRDS 2019, 01-04/10/19 Lyon, France.

  • Daniel Le Métayer: Panel Influence or manipulation? What protections in the digital world?, CPDP 2019, 30/01/2019, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Claude Castelluccia, Building trust in AI, building trust with AI, Global Science Week, 01/06/2019, Grenoble, France.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Antoine Boutet: Social Network Analysis and Mining 2019, Nature 2019, MDPI 2019, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2019, APVP 2019, Compas 2019, Location Privacy Workshop 2019.

  • Mathieu Cunche: ACM WiSec 2019, APVP 2019, AlgoTel 2019, IEEE WCNC 2019.

  • Claude Castelluccia: APF 2019.

  • Cédric Lauradoux: ACM CCSW 2019, Prix Gilles Kahn.

  • Daniel Le Métayer: XAI 2019, IWPE 2019, CPDP 2019, APF 2019.

  • Vincent Roca: SPACOMM 2019.

Invited Talks

  • Claude Castelluccia, A Risk Analysis Framework for Facial Recognition Applications, MIAI chair on AI&Ethics (T. Menissier), 04/12/2019, Grenoble, France.

  • Claude Castelluccia, Cognitive security, closing the regulatory gap for consumer neurotechnology” workshop, Brocher Fondation, 25-27/11/2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Claude Castelluccia, Influence or manipulation ? What protections in the digital world? (panel), CPDP 2019, 30/01/2019, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Cédric Lauradoux, Subject Access Request and Proof of Ownership, SoSySec Seminar, 25/10/2019, Rennes, France.

  • Cédric Lauradoux, Influence or manipulation ? What protections in the digital world? (panel), CPDP 2019, 30/01/2019, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Cédric Lauradoux, Y-aura-t-il un Cambridge Analytica de nos data santé ? (panel), FUTUR.E.S, 13/06/2019, Paris, France.

  • Cédric Lauradoux, Pseudonymisation, École de Cybersécurité de l'Université de Nice, 09/07/2019, Nice, France.

  • Cédric Lauradoux, Subject Access Right, Laboratoire d’Innovation Numérique de la CNIL, 12/07/2019, Paris, France.

  • Cédric Lauradoux, Subject Access Request and Proof of Ownership, CyberAlps Workshop on GDPR, 09/10/2019, Grenoble, France.

  • Daniel Le Métayer, Inaugural session: How to promote a responsable design and usage of decision making systems ? , Center for Internet and Society, 27/09/2019, Paris, France.

  • Daniel Le Métayer and Clément Hénin Social Responsability of Algorithms, SRA 2019, 12/12/2019, Paris, France.

  • Daniel Le Métayer, HumanAI, workshop on transparency and accountability for algorithmic decision systems, 11/09/2019, Montreal, Canada.

  • Mathieu Cunche, Mécanismes anti-traçage dans les réseaux sans-fil, journées nationales du GDR sécurité 2019, 12/06/19, Paris, France.

  • Vincent Roca, Vers un habitat intelligent... mais fortement indiscret : la maison connectée sous l'angle de la vie privée, Séminaire "Vie privée, mobile et sécurité", Festival des Libertés Numériques, 06/02/2019, Rennes, France.