Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Antoine Boutet, Security and Privacy, 14h, INSA-Lyon, France.
Master : Antoine Boutet, Security and Privacy 16h, Polytech Annecy, France.
Undergraduate course: Antoine Boutet, System and Network, 160h, L3, INSA-Lyon, France.
Master: Antoine Boutet, Network, 24h, Polytech Annecy, France.
Undergraduate course : Mathieu Cunche, Introduction to computer science, 120h, L1, INSA-Lyon, France.
Master : Mathieu Cunche, Wireless Security, 6h, M2, INSA-Lyon, France.
Undergraduate course : Mathieu Cunche, On Wireless Network Security, 10h, L1, IUT-2 (UPMF - Grenoble University) , France.
Undergraduate course : Mathieu Cunche, Security & Privacy, 21h, L3, INSA-Lyon, France.
Master : Mathieu Cunche, Privacy and Data protection, 14h, M2, INSA-Lyon, France.
Master : Mathieu Cunche, Cryptography and Communication Security, 18h, M1, INSA-Lyon, France.
Master : Cédric Lauradoux, Advanced Topics in Security, 20h, M2, Ensimag/INPG, France.
Master : Cédric Lauradoux, Systems and Network Security, 30h, M1, Ensimag, France.
Master : Cédric Lauradoux, Internet Security, 12h, M2, University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master : Cédric Lauradoux, Cyber Security, 3h, M2, Laws School of University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master : Claude Castelluccia, Advanced Topics in Security, 15h, M2, Ensimag/INPG, France.
Master : Claude Castelluccia, Cyber Security, 6h, M2, Laws School of University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master : Claude Castelluccia, Data Privacy, 6h, M2, Laws School of University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master : Daniel Le Métayer, Privacy, 12h, M2 MASH, Université Paris Dauphine, France.
Master : Daniel Le Métayer, Privacy, 12h, M2, Insa Lyon, France.
Master : Vincent Roca, On Wireless Communications, 12h, M1, Polytech’ Grenoble, France.
Undergraduate course : Vincent Roca, On Network Communications, 44h, L1, IUT-2 (University of Grenoble Alpes), France.
Undergraduate course : Vincent Roca, On Security and Privacy in smartphones, 3h, L-Pro, University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Undergraduate course : Vincent Roca, C-Language Programming, 24h, L-Pro, University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master : Vincent Roca, On Security and Privacy in smartphones, 3h, M2, France.
MOOC "Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique:"
Nataliia Bielova, Cédric Lauradoux, Vincent Roca, Session 3, (open during 2 months), FUN-MOOC, Inria, public targeted: around 30000 for the three sessions since 2018,
PhD in progress : Victor Morel, IoT privacy, September 2016, Daniel Le Métayer and Claude Castelluccia.
PhD in progress : Mathieu Thiery, IoT privacy , April 2017, Vincent Roca with Arnaud Legout (DIANA Inria team).
PhD in progress : Guillaume Celosia, Wireless Privacy in the Internet of Things , November 2017, Mathieu Cunche and Daniel Le Métayer.
PhD in progress : Supryia Adhatarao, Privacy of E-learning systems , March 2018, Cédric Lauradoux.
PhD in progress : Coline Boniface, Cyberweapons: from bug bounties to zero days , March 2018, Cédric Lauradoux.
PhD in progress : Raoul Kerkouche, Privacy-Preserving Processing of Medical Data , January 2018, Claude Castelluccia.
PhD in progress : Clement Henin, Explainable AI , September 2018, Claude Castelluccia et Daniel Le Métayer.
PhD in progress: Théo Jourdan, Privacy-preserving machine learning in medical domain, October 2018, Antoine Boutet.
PhD in progress : Michale Toth, Privacy protection of Web users and compliance with GDPR and ePrivacy Regulations , December 2019, Natallia Bielova and Vincent Roca.
Intern (M2): Michael Toth , Analyse et présentation accessible aux utilisateurs de Chartes de Vie Privée dans le contexte du RGPD, Vincent Roca.
Intern (M2): Piyush Patil, Privacy Leak Analysis in the Context of Smart Homes, Vincent Roca.
Intern (M1): Jan Aalmoes - Understanding how location data influences personalized content in the mobile context, Antoine Boutet.
Intern (M1): Vincent Prax - Privacy Analysis of Email Providers, Cédric Lauradoux.
Intern (L3): Félix Fonteneau - Activity recognition using federated learning, Antoine Boutet.
Intern (L3): Hilaire Bouaddi - Analysis of mobility traces, Antoine Boutet.
Intern (L3): Amine Bahi - Privacy-preserving and scalable machine learning using homomorphic encryption, Antoine Boutet.
HDR: Carole Frindel, Approche computationnelle de l’imagerie médicale : application en neurosciences, INSA Lyon, France, 13/12/2019, Claude Castelluccia.
PhD: Pieter Robyns, Explicit and Implicit Information Leakage in Wireless Communication, 11/12/19, Hasselt University, Belgium, Mathieu Cunche (reviewer).
PhD: Timothy CLAEYS, Security for the Internet of Things: A bottom-up approach to the secure and standardized Internet of Things, 19/12/19, Université de Grenoble Alpes, France, Mathieu Cunche (examiner).
PhD: Antoine Vastel, Tracking versus security: investigating the two facets of browser fingerprinting, Université de Lille, France, 23/10/2019, Daniel Le Métayer.
PhD: Julien Loudet, Distributed and privacy-preserving personal queries on personal clouds, Universitée Paris-Saclay, thèse préparée à Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 24/10/2019, France, Vincent Roca (reviewer).