Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Zaki Leghtas has obtained an ERC starting grant in pannel PE3 entitled ECLIPSE (Exotic superconducting CIrcuits to probe and protect quantum States of light and mattEr).
Our team (Zaki Leghtas and Mazyar Mirrahimi) has obtained a european QUANTERA grant entitled QuCOS (Quantum Computation with Schrödinger cat states).
Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq was hired as a CRCN Inria in the QUANTIC team.
Zaki Leghtas was an invited speaker of American Physical Society March Meeting in Boston, USA.
Pierre Rouchon was a semi-plenary speaker at the IFAC Mechatronics and NOLCOS conference, September 4-6, Vienna, Austria.
Successful PhD defense of Gerardo Cardona, under the direction of P. Rouchon and A. Sarlette.
Successful PhD defense of Lucas Verney, under the direction of M. Mirrahimi and Z. Leghtas.
Successful PhD defense of Zhifei Zhang, under the direction of A. Sarlette at Ghent University.