Section: Overall Objectives

Scientific Context

Some technological bottlenecks related to points (a)–(c) mentioned above are well identified. In particular, it appears that a good numerical method should handle general meshes, so that dynamic mesh adaptation strategies can be used in order to achieve (b). But it should also be of the highest possible order while remaining stable in the sense of (a), and robust in the sense of (c). There have been numerous research contributions on each point of (a)–(c) in the last decades, in particular for solving each difficulty apart, but combining them still leads to unsolved problems of crucial interest.

Let us mention for example the review paper by J. Droniou [98], where it is highlighted that all the linear methods for solving diffusion equations on general meshes suffer from the same lack of monotonicity and preserve neither the positivity of the solutions nor the decay of the entropy. Moreover, there is no complete convergence proof for the nonlinear methods exposed in [98]. The first convergence proof for a positivity preserving and entropy diminishing method designed to approximate transient dissipative equation on general meshes was proposed very recently in [83]. The idea and the techniques introduced in [83] should be extended to practical applications.

In systems of PDEs, the values of physical parameters often change the qualitative behavior of the solution. Then, one challenge in the numerical approximation of such systems is the design of methods which can be applied for a large range of parameters, as in particular in the regime of singular perturbations. Such schemes, called asymptotic-preserving (AP) schemes [107], are powerful tools as they permit the use of the same scheme for a given problem and for its limit with fixed discretization parameters. In many cases, the AP property of numerical schemes is just empirically established, without any rigorous proof. We aim to extend the techniques recently introduced in [79] for the drift-diffusion system, and based on the control of the numerical dissipation of entropy, to other dissipative systems in order prove the AP property of numerical schemes.

The question of the robustness of the numerical methods with respect to the physical parameters is also fundamental for fluid mixtures models. The team already developed such schemes for the variable density Navier–Stokes system [81] or [82]. We aim to propose new ones for more complex models with the same philosophy in mind. On the one hand, we will be interested in high-order schemes, which must be as simple as possible in view of 3D practical implementations. Let us stress that combining high order accuracy and stability is very challenging. On the other hand, the optimization of the computation will have to be considered, in particular with the development of some a posteriori error estimators. Impressive progresses have been achieved in this field [94], allowing important computational savings without compromising the accuracy of the results. Recently, we successfully applied this strategy to the Reissner-Mindlin model arising in solid mechanics [90], the dead-oil model for porous media flows [84] or the Maxwell equations in their quasi-static approximation for some eddy current problems [88] and [89]. We aim to develop new a posteriori estimators for other dissipative systems, like fluid mixtures models.

In a nutshell, our goal is to take advantage of and extend the most recent breakthroughs of the mathematical community to tackle in an efficient way some application-guided problems coming either from academics or from industrial partners. To this end, we shall focus on the following objectives, which are necessary for the applications we have in mind:

  1. Design and numerical analysis of structure-preserving numerical methods.

  2. Computational optimization.