Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Selection
Raoul de Charette: BMVC 2019, CVPR 2019, ICCV 2019, AAAI 2019, IEEE ITSC 2019, IEEE IV 2019.
Fawzi Nashashibi : IEEE ICRA 2019, IEEE IROS 2019, IEEE IV 2019, IEEE ITSC 2019, IEEE VTC 2018, IEEE ICVES 2019.
Anne Verroust-Blondet: IEEE ICRA 2020, IEEE IV 2019, IEEE ITSC 2019, ICVES 2019.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Guy Fayolle: associate editor of the journal Markov Processes and Related Fields.
Fawzi Nashashibi: associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Fawzi Nashashibi: currently Guest Editor of the IEEE Sensors journal (ISSN 1424-8220), Special Issue on “The Application of Sensors in Autonomous Vehicles”.
Anne Verroust-Blondet: associate editor of the journal The Visual Computer.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Raoul de Charette: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Guy Fayolle: AAP, MPRF, PTRF, QUESTA, European Journal of Combinatorics, JSP, Physica A, Springer Science.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
Fawzi Nashashibi: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Transportation Research Part C, IEEE ACCESS.
Anne Verroust-Blondet: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, The Visual Computer.
Invited Talks
Raoul de Charette: Sparse and dense data in computer vision, Universite Laval, Québec, Canada, July 5th 2019.
Guy Fayolle was invited participant at the conference Transient Transcendence in Transylvania, Brașov, Romania, May 13–17, 2019.
Gérard Le Lann: Automated Driving: Ethical/Moral Quandaries, invitation by Comité d'éthique du CNRS (COMETS), Paris, 26 February 2019.
Gérard Le Lann: Ethical and Privacy Issues in Autonomic Vehicular Networks, invited talk, Symposium on Networking Research Topics: Past, Present and Future inspired by Mario Gerla, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), 3 June 2019.
Gérard Le Lann: Une mise en perspective - Qu'avons-nous appris de l'aventure Arpanet/Internet qui puisse servir aujourd'hui ?, Colloque SIF Les 50 ans d'Internet, CNAM, Paris, 29 October 2019.
Fawzi Nashashibi: Connected autonomous vehicles: objectives and challenges, invited plenary talk, at the JNRR 2019 (national days on robotics research), Vittel, October 18, 2019.
Fawzi Nashashibi: Connected Autonomous Vehicles: selected challenges, Keynote speaker, at the IEEE ITSC 2019 conference - workshop, Auckland (New Zealand), October 27, 2019.
Fawzi Nashashibi: The role of the intelligent infrastructure in the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles, Keynote speaker, at the SMIV international workshop, organised by Vedecom institute, Paris, November 13, 2019.
Fawzi Nashashibi: Connected Autonomous Vehicles: next challenges, Keynote speaker, at the IEEE CIS-RAM conference, Bangkok (Thailand), November 18-20, 2019.
Scientific Expertise
Guy Fayolle is scientific advisor and associate researcher at the Robotics Laboratory of Mines ParisTech. He is also collaborating member of the research-team SPECFUN at Inria-Saclay.
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes is member of the Inria Commission d'Evaluation of Inria and of the Conseil Académique of Université Paris-Saclay.
Gérard Le Lann: Contribution to White Book on Cybersecurity: current challenges and Inria's research directions, Section 6.3.2 on Robotics and connected autonomous vehicles, February 2019.
Fawzi Nashashibi is an associate researcher at the Robotics Laboratory, Mines ParisTech. He is an evaluator/reviewer of European H2020 projects.
Anne Verroust-Blondet was a member of the CRCN Recruiting Commission of the CRI Paris in 2019.
Research Administration
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes is a member of the Comité Technique Inria and of the Comité Local Hygiène Sécurité et Conditions de Travail of Inria Paris.
Fawzi Nashashibi is a member of the international Automated Highway Board Committee of the TRB (AHB30).
He is a member of the Board of Governors of the VEDECOM Institute representing Inria and of the Board of Governors of MOV'EO Competitiveness cluster representing Inria. He is also member of the DAS-SMI of MOV'EO cluster.
Anne Verroust-Blondet is the scientific correspondent of the European affairs and of the International Partnerships for Inria Paris. She was a member of the COST-GTRI committee at Inria (Committee in charge of the evaluation of international projects) and a member of the "emplois scientifiques" committee of Inria Paris in 2019.