RITS - 2019
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Study on the effect of rain on computer vision

Participants : Raoul de Charette, Fabio Pizzati.

Following the works initiated in past years, we have emphasized the need of developing for outdoor-applications to be robust to adverse weather conditions.

Three works were developed this year: two in the the context of the Samuel de Champlain Québec-France collaboration with Jean-François Lalonde from Univ. Laval (Canada) and another in the context of the new co-tutelle PhD thesis of Fabio Pizzati.

  • We have first proposed a physically-based rain rendering pipeline for realistically inserting rain into clear weather images. Our research [16] was published at ICCV'19 and relies on a physical particle simulator, an estimation of the scene lighting and an accurate rain photometric modeling to augment images with arbitrary amount of realistic rain or fog. We validate our rendering with a user study, proving our rain is judged 40% more realistic that state-of-the-art. Using our generated weather augmented Kitti and Cityscapes dataset, we conduct a thorough evaluation of deep object detection and semantic segmentation algorithms and show that their performance decreases in degraded weather, on the order of 15% for object detection and 60% for semantic segmentation. Furthermore, we show refining existing networks with our augmented images improves the robustness of both object detection and semantic segmentation algorithms. We experiment on the popular nuScenes dataset and measure an improvement of 15% for object detection and 35% for semantic segmentation compared to original rainy performance.

    Along with the research we have released the full augmented dataset on our project page (https://team.inria.fr/rits/computer-vision/weather-augment/) and the source code will be soon released.

  • An alternative proposal is to use generative networks (GANs) to learn the translation of clear weather images to rainy images. This was achieved in the thesis of Fabio Pizzati and led to an accepted conference paper at WACV'20. To overcome the limitation of publicly available annotated datasets, we propose to learn the clear to rain mapping from datasets of different sources. Standard image-to-image translation architectures have limited effectiveness in such case due to the large source / target domain gap and usually fail to model typical traits of rain as water drops, which ultimately impacts the synthetic images realism. We proposed here a new type of domain bridge, that benefits from web-crawled data to reduce the domain gap.

  • To circumvent the limitation of physics-based rendering and GANs rendering, we are currently working on extensions of [16] with Maxime Tremblay, PhD student at Univ. Laval. In this work, we are combining data-driven GAN approaches and physics-based driven learning.