Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
A. Lebre co-organized the TILECS workshop (Towards an Infrastructure for Large-Scale Experimental Computer Science), Grenoble, July 2019.
Scientific Events: Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
S. Ibrahim was the program chair of the IEEE BigDataSE 2019.
S. Ibrahim was the track co-chair for the Cloud Computing Track of CCGrid 2019.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
H. Coullon was a member of the program committees of CCGrid 2019 and ICCS 2019.
S. Ibrahim was a member of the program committees of SC'19, Poster track of SC 2019, ICPP 2019, Cluster 2019, ICA3PP 2019, PDSW@SC'19, and HPBDC@IPDPS’19.
A. Lebre was a member of the program comittees of ICC 2019, IC2E 2019, CCGRID 2019, Cluster 2019, and CloudCom 2019.
T. Ledoux was a member of the program committees of the conference Compas'19, of the 1st Workshop on Service Quality and Quantitative Evaluation in new Emerging Technologies @ IC2E'19, CrossCloud'19@CCGrid, and ARM'19@Middleware.
J.-M. Menaud was a member of the program committees of SMARTGREENS'19, SOFTCOM 19.
M. Südholt was a member of the program committees of CCGrid'19 and CloudCom'19.
Member of the Conference Steering Committees
A. Lebre is a member of the steering committee of the international conference of Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC).
M. Südholt is a member of the steering committee of the international conference Programming.
Member of the Editorial Boards
A. Lebre is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on BigData.
A. Lebre is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.
S. Ibrahim is an Associate Editor of Springer Frontiers of Computer Science journal.
M. Südholt is an Associate Editor of the journal Programming.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
S. Ibrahim has been a reviewer for the following journals: Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Internet Computing.
A. Lebre has been a reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing journal.
T. Ledoux has been a reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Systems Architecture - Elsevier and Future Generation Computer Systems.
M. Südholt has been a reviewer for the journal Transactions of Software Engineering (IEEE TSE).
Invited Talks
H. Coullon has given a talk to the WIDE Inria team, “Distributed Software Management: Efficiency, Software Engineering and Verification”, Rennes, France, Aug. 2019.
H. Coullon has given a talk to the joint LaMHa/LTP working group of the GDR GPL, “Efficient and Safe Distributed Software Commissioning”, Paris, France, Nov. 2019.
H. Coullon has given a talk to the Department of Computer Science at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway, “Efficient and Safe Distributed Software Commissioning and Reconfiguration”, Norway, Dec. 2019.
A. Lebre has given a talk to the Inria Business Club in Paris, France, May 2019.
A. Lebre has given a talk to the TILECS Workshop in Grenoble, France, July 2019.
A. Lebre has given a talk to the Journées Clouds in Toulouse, France, Sept 2019.
A. Lebre has given a talk to the Inria/Interdigital Workshop in Rennes, France, Dec. 2019.
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
A. Lebre is a member of the executive committee of the GDR CNRS RSD “Réseau et Système distribué” and Co-leader of the transversal action Virtualization and Clouds of this GDR since 2015.
A. Lebre is a member of the executive and architect committees of the Grid’5000 GIS (Groupement d’intérêt scientifique).
A. Lebre is a member of the executive committee of the <I/O> Lab, a joint lab between Inria and Orange Labs.
J. Noyé is the Deputy Head of the Automation, Production and Computer Sciences department of IMT Atlantique.
J.-M. Menaud is organizer of "Pôle Science du Logiciel et des Systèmes Distribués" in Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique à Nantes (LS2N). He is involved in the GIS VITTORIA (VIrTual inTegrative Oncology Research and InnovAtion).
J.-M. Menaud is involved in the GIS PERLE (Pôle d’Excellence de la Recherche Ligérienne en Energie).