Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Emmanuelle Saillard: Correctness workshop, Compas 2019, PPAM 2019, OMASE'19, 4PAD'19
Olivier Aumage: SC Asia 2019, Euro-Par 2019, ICPADS 2019, PAW-ATM
Raymond Namyst: SC 19, HiPC 19, CCGRID 19, ISC 19, ICCS 19, PPAM 19, RADR 19
STORM members have conducted reviewing activities for the following conferences and workshops: Correctness workshop, Compas, PPAM, OMASE, 4PAD, HCW 19
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
STORM members have conducted reviewing activities for the following journals: JPDC, IEEE TII
Invited Talks
Olivier Aumage: Cluster SysNum (Bordeaux, Jan. 24, 2019 and Mar. 8, 2019), 10-Year PlaFRIM (Bordeaux, May. 23, 2019), SPPEXA (Dresden, Germany, Oct. 21, 2019)
Samuel Thibault: ENS Lyon seminar (Lyon, Jan 2019), ENS Lyon seminar (Lyon, May 2019), Workshop SIAM CSE (Spokane, Feb 2019), Workshop PADAL (Bordeaux, Sep 2019)
Raymond Namyst: Aristote Seminar about “Toward ExaScale Computing” (Ecole Polytechnique, May 2019)
Scientific Expertise
Olivier Aumage: Review of one project proposal for the French national research agency (ANR)
Raymond Namyst: Scientific Advisor for CEA/DAM (French Department of Energy) HPC research groups