Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Engineering School: Emmanuelle Saillard, Introduction to Algorithms, 16HeCI, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Engineering School: Emmanuelle Saillard, Tree Structure, 16HeCI, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Engineering School: Emmanuelle Saillard, Harmonisation, 10HeTD, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Engineering School: Emmanuelle Saillard, Languages of parallelism, 12HeC, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Engineering School: Adrien Cassagne, Microprocessors architecture, 20HeTD, L3, ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Engineering School: Romain Lion, System Programming, 18HeTD, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Licence: Marie-Christine Counilh, Introduction to Computer Science (64HeTD), Introduction to C programming (52HeTD), L1, University of Bordeaux.
Master MIAGE: Marie-Christine Counilh, Object oriented programming in Java (30HeTD), M1, University of Bordeaux.
Licence: Samuel Thibault is responsible for the computer science topic of the first university year.
Licence: Samuel Thibault is responsible for the new Licence Pro ADSILLH (Administration et Développeur de Systèmes Informatiques à base de Logiciels Libres et Hybrides).
Licence: Samuel Thibault is responsible for the 1st year of the computer science Licence.
Licence: Samuel Thibault, Introduction to Computer Science, 32HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux.
Licence: Samuel Thibault, Networking, 51HeTD, Licence Pro, University of Bordeaux.
Master: Samuel Thibault, Operating Systems, 24HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux.
Engineering School: Denis Barthou is the head of the computer science teaching department of ENSEIRB-MATMECA (300 students, 20 faculties, 120 external teachers)
Engineering School: Denis Barthou, Architectures (L3), Parallel Architectures (M2), Procedural Generation for 3D Games (M2), C/Algorithm projects (L3)
Licence, Pierre-André Wacrenier, is responsible for the 3rd year of the computer science Licence.
Licence, Pierre-André Wacrenier, Introduction to Computer Science (64HeTD, L1), Systems Programming (64HeTD, L3), University of Bordeaux.
Master, Pierre-André Wacrenier, Parallel Programming (64HeTD), University of Bordeaux.
Raymond Namyst was involved in the introduction of Computer Science courses in the French High School (Lycée) scholar program. In particular, he was in charge of organizing a one-week condensed training session to 96 High School teachers on the following topics: Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Networks and Robotics. The goal was to prepare then to teach computer science basics to students starting from September 2019, and to help them to prepare material for practice sessions.
Denis Barthou was teacher for the previous courses, in Computer Architecture.
PhD in progress: Tassadit Célia Ait Kaci, March 2019, Emmanuelle Saillard, Marc Sergent, Denis Barthou
PhD in progress: Adrien Cassagne, October 2017, Olivier Aumage, Denis Barthou, Christophe Jégo, Camille Leroux.
PhD in progress: Idriss Daoudi, October 2018, Olivier Aumage, Thierry Gautier.
PhD in progress: Gwenolé Lucas, November 2019, Raymond Namyst, Abdou Guermouche
PhD in progress: Van Man Nguyen, November 2019, Emmanuelle Saillard, Julien Jaeger, Denis Barthou, Patrick Carribault
Internship: Firmin Martin, June 2019 - August 2019, Emmanuelle Saillard
Internship: Radjasouria Vinayagame, November 2019 - January 2020, Emmanuelle Saillard
Internship: Pierre-Antoine Rouby, May - July 2019 , Samuel Thibault
Internship: Mehdi Naciri, January - August 2019, Adrien Cassagne, Denis Barthou
Internship: Mael Keryell, January - April 2019, Denis Barthou
Master's Thesis: Van Man Nguyen, January - September 2019 , Emmanuelle Saillard, Julien Jaeger, Denis Barthou, Patrick Carribault
Master's Thesis: Gwenolé Lucas, March - Septembre 2019, Pierre-André Wacrenier, Abdou Guermouche, Mathieu Faverge
Marie-Christine Counilh : Ph.D defense of Pierre Huchant at the University of Bordeaux, Mar. 2019 (member)
Olivier Aumage : Ph.D defense of Ksander Ejjaaouani at the Maison de la simulation in Saclay, Oct. 25, 2019 (invited member)
Denis Barthou was member of the following PhD/HdR committees:
PhD of Fabian Gruber (reviewer): “Debogage de performance pour code binaire: Analyse de sensitivité et profilage de dépendence”, Grenoble Alpes University, December 2019
HdR of Guillaume Mercier (president): “Évolutions du passage de messages face aux défis de la gestion des topologies matérielles hiérarchiques”, University of Bordeaux, December 2019
PhD of Maxime Schmitt (reviewer): “Génération automatique de codes adaptatifs”, University of Strasbourg, September 2019
PhD of Gauthier Sornet (reviewer): “Parallélisme des calculs numériques appliqué aux géosciences”, University of Orléans, September 2019
PhD of Youenn Lebras (president): “Code optimization based on source to source transformations using profile guided metrics”, University of Paris Saclay, July 2019
PhD of Filip Arvid Jakobson (reviewer): “Static Analysis for BSPlib programs”, University of Orléans, June 2019
PhD of Fotis Nicolaidis (president): “TROMOS: a SDK for virtual storage systems”, University of Paris Saclay, May 2019