Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Brice Goglin and Emmanuel Jeannot organized (with Didem Unat from Ko c University, Turkey), PADAL 2019 (Fifth Workshop on Programming Abstractions for Data Locality) in Bordeaux (workshop by invitation): 25 participants from 10 different countries.

  • François Pellegrini was, along with Nataliia Bielova (from Inria team PRIVATICS), the co-chair of this year's jury of the CNIL-Inria European prize awarded to research scientific papers on the subject of data protection and privacy.

Member of the steering committee
  • Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the steering committee of Euro-Par and the Cluster international conference.

Scientific Events: Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Brice Goglin is the Architecture & Networks area co-chair of SuperComputing 2020.

  • Emmanuel Jeannot is the track program chair of Cluster 2020 (area: application, algorithms, and libraries)

  • Emmanuel Jeannot was the program chair of the COLOC workshop (collocated with Euro-Par).

  • Emmanuel Jeannot was the program chair of the RADR workshop (collocated with IPDPS).

  • François Pellegrini was a co-chair (along with Roberto Di Cosmo ) of the workshop on Software and Open Science: issues and opportunities, National days on Open science (JNSO 2019), Paris (https://jnso2019.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/2).

Member of Conference Program Committees
  • Alexandre Denis was a member of the program committee of CCGrid 2019.

  • Brice Goglin was a member of the program committee of ICPP 2019, EuroMPI 2019, HotInterconnects 26, ROME 2019, ROSS 2019, RADR 2019.

  • Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the program committee of SuperComputing 2019, Euro-MPI 2019, ROSS 2019, Heteropar 2019.

  • Guillaume Mercier was a member of the programm committee of CCGrid 2019 and EuroMPI 2019.

  • Guillaume Pallez was a member of the program committee of SC 2019 (Tutorials), ICPP 2019, IPDPS 2020, ICA3PP 2019, PMBS 2019.

  • François Pellegrini was a member of the program committee of ENISA's “EU Privacy Forum”.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Emmanuel Jeannot is associate editor of the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent & Distributed Systems (IJPEDS).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Emmanuel Jeannot was a reviewer for JPDC, Parallel Computing, Transaction on Computers.

  • Guillaume Mercier was a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Computers and for Cluster Computing.

  • François Pellegrini was a reviewer for journal Terminal.

Invited Talks

Scientific Expertise

  • Emmanuel Jeannot was a member of the hiring committee of an Inria junior researcher position at Nancy and at the National Level.

  • Guillaume Pallez is an elected member of the Inria evaluation committee.

  • François Pellegrini is co-chair (along with Roberto Di Cosmo ) of the workgroup on Free software of the Permanent Secretariat for Open Science (SPSO) of the French Ministry of Higher Education (MENESR).

  • François Pellegrini was heard in an expert panel commissioned by the Information mission on digital identity of the French Assemblée nationale, chaired by Mrs Marietta Karamanli , assisted by Mrs Paula Forteza and Christine Hennion .

Research Administration

  • Alexandre Denis is head of the Inria Bordeaux CUMI-R (IT users committee).

  • Brice Goglin and Guillaume Mercier are elected members of the Inria Bordeaux center committee.

  • Emmanuel Jeannot is deputy head of science of the Inria Bordeaux research center.

  • Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the Inria evaluation committee

  • Emmanuel Jeannot is member of LaBRI scientific council and head of the Satanas team.

  • Guillaume Pallez is a worker representative at the Prevention, Health, Security committee (CHSCT) for the Inria center of Bordeaux.

Standardization Activities

TADaaM attended the MPI Forum meetings on behalf of Inria (where the MPI standard for communication in parallel applications is developed and maintained). Guillaume Mercier leads the Hardware Topologies working group. Part of the Hsplit proposal was discussed and read at the last physical meeting in December 2019 in Albuquerque and has been approved to enter the voting process for an eventual inclusion in the next revision (4.0) of the MPI standard. This voting process will take place in the first semester of 2020 and the release of the 4.0 revision is expected for the end of 2020. Guillaume Mercier is also the chair of the standard chapter committee Groups, Contexts, Communicators, Caching and member of several other chapter committees.