Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Members of the TADaaM project gave hundreds of hours of teaching at Université de Bordeaux and the Bordeaux INP engineering school, covering a wide range of topics from basic use of computers, introduction to algorithmics and C programming to advanced topics such as probabilities and statistics, scheduling, computer architecture, operating systems, parallel programming and high-performance runtime systems, as well as software law and personal data.

  • Brice Goglin gave courses about Operating Systems to teachers as part of the Diplôme Inter Universitaire to prepare them for teaching the new Computer Science track in high-school.

  • François Pellegrini did a training session on “Information science, digital technologies and law” for the continuous education of magistrates, École nationale de la magistrature (National School for Magistrates), Paris.

  • François Pellegrini did two training sessions on “Strategic issues of information technologies” and “Personal data law” to a group of administration heads and civil society activists of several French-speaking west-African countries, in the context of FFGI 2019 at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.


  • PhD: Benjamin Lorendeau , Amélioration des performances via un parallélisme multi-niveaux sur un code CFD en maillages non structurés. Defense at Université de Bordeaux on December 16th. Advisors : Yvan Fournier and Emmanuel Jeannot .

  • PhD in progress: Valentin Honoré, Partitioning Strategies for high throughput Applications, started in November 2017. Advisors: Guillaume Pallez and Brice Goglin .

  • PhD in progress: Andrès Rubio , Management on heterogeneous and non-volatile memories, started in October 2018. Advisor: Brice Goglin .

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Vidal , IO scheduling strategies, started in October 2018. Advisors: Guillaume Pallez and Emmanuel Jeannot .

  • PhD started: Philippe Swartvagher , Interactions at large scale between high performance communication libraries and task-based runtime, started in October 2019. Advisors: Alexandre Denis and Emmanuel Jeannot .

  • PhD started: Florian Reynier , Task-based communication progression, started in January 2019. Advisors: Alexandre Denis and Emmanuel Jeannot .

  • PhD started: Pierre Ferenbach , The legal regime of video games, started in January 2019. Advisors: Xavier Daverat and François Pellegrini .

  • Master: Léa Chevalier , M2 student at Université Paris Nanterre supervised by François Pellegrini , won the Disney–Microsoft–Orange–TF1 prize on Media Law for her master thesis on “Artistic creations generated by automated processing: are they works like others?”.


Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the Ph.D defense jury of:

  • Hugo Brunie , U. Bordeaux (Member);

  • Jean-Baptiste Keck , U. Grenoble Alpes (Reviewer);

  • Hamza Deroui , Insa Rennes and U. Rennes (Reviewer);

  • Arthur Loussert , U. Bordeaux (Member).

FrançoisPellegrini was member of the Ph.D defense jury of:

  • Maximilien Lanna , U. Paris II Panthéon Assas (Member).