Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Members of the TADaaM project gave hundreds of hours of teaching at Université de Bordeaux and the Bordeaux INP engineering school, covering a wide range of topics from basic use of computers, introduction to algorithmics and C programming to advanced topics such as probabilities and statistics, scheduling, computer architecture, operating systems, parallel programming and high-performance runtime systems, as well as software law and personal data.
Brice Goglin gave courses about Operating Systems to teachers as part of the Diplôme Inter Universitaire to prepare them for teaching the new Computer Science track in high-school.
François Pellegrini did a training session on “Information science, digital technologies and law” for the continuous education of magistrates, École nationale de la magistrature (National School for Magistrates), Paris.
François Pellegrini did two training sessions on “Strategic issues of information technologies” and “Personal data law” to a group of administration heads and civil society activists of several French-speaking west-African countries, in the context of FFGI 2019 at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
PhD: Benjamin Lorendeau , Amélioration des performances via un parallélisme multi-niveaux sur un code CFD en maillages non structurés. Defense at Université de Bordeaux on December 16th. Advisors : Yvan Fournier and Emmanuel Jeannot .
PhD in progress: Valentin Honoré, Partitioning Strategies for high throughput Applications, started in November 2017. Advisors: Guillaume Pallez and Brice Goglin .
PhD in progress: Andrès Rubio , Management on heterogeneous and non-volatile memories, started in October 2018. Advisor: Brice Goglin .
PhD in progress: Nicolas Vidal , IO scheduling strategies, started in October 2018. Advisors: Guillaume Pallez and Emmanuel Jeannot .
PhD started: Philippe Swartvagher , Interactions at large scale between high performance communication libraries and task-based runtime, started in October 2019. Advisors: Alexandre Denis and Emmanuel Jeannot .
PhD started: Florian Reynier , Task-based communication progression, started in January 2019. Advisors: Alexandre Denis and Emmanuel Jeannot .
PhD started: Pierre Ferenbach , The legal regime of video games, started in January 2019. Advisors: Xavier Daverat and François Pellegrini .
Master: Léa Chevalier , M2 student at Université Paris Nanterre supervised by François Pellegrini , won the Disney–Microsoft–Orange–TF1 prize on Media Law for her master thesis on “Artistic creations generated by automated processing: are they works like others?”.
Emmanuel Jeannot was member of the Ph.D defense jury of:
FrançoisPellegrini was member of the Ph.D defense jury of: