Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of Organizing Committees
Guillaume Charpiat - Organizing & scientific committee of the ForMaL summer school, at ENS Cachan, June 2019, and of WAISE (Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety Engineering) held at SafeComp in September 2019.
Flora Jay - Organizing & scientific committee of Research Program "Ecosystem dynamics : stakes, data and models" at Institut Pascal, Paris-Saclay, 2019.
Isabelle Guyon - Advisory committee BayLearn 2019; Co-organizer NeurIPS 2019 workshop on Challenges in Machine Learning; Co-organizer NeurIPS 2019 NewInML workshop.
Marc Schoenauer - Steering Committee, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN); Steering Committee, Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION).
Michele Sebag - President of Steering Committee, Eur. Conf. on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD).
Scientific Events: Selection
All TAU members are reviewers of the main conferences in their respective fields of expertise.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Isabelle Guyon - Action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR); series editor, Springer series Challenges in Machine Learning (CiML).
Marc Schoenauer - Advisory Board, Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press, and Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Machines, Springer Verlag; Action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
Michèle Sebag - Editorial Board, Machine Learning, Springer Verlag.
Paola Tubaro - Associate Editorial Board Sociology, Sage; Co-editor, Revue Française de Sociologie, Presses de Sciences Po.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
All members of the team reviewed numerous articles for the most prestigious journals in their respective fields of expertise.
Invited Talks
Guillaume Charpiat - Deep Learning for Satellite Imagery in the Imagine team (ENPC), at Champs-sur-Marne, March 2019; and at LRDE lab (EPITA), at Kremlin-Bicêtre, April 2019; Deep Learning for Storm Trajectory Prediction and Remote Sensing at the seminar AI for Climate, at Jussieu (Paris), December 2019.
Cyril Furtlehner - A machine learning approach to solar wind speed forecasting from solar images, Machine Learning in Heliophysics conference, Amsterdam September 2019.
Flora Jay - Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Population Genetics, Statistics/Machine Learning at Paris-Saclay, Bures-sur-Yvette, Jan 2019; Inferring Demography? A Deep Learning Approach for Population Genetic Data, ALPHY 7-8 Feb. 2019; Génomes présents, histoires d'antan: Apprentissage profond pour la génétique des populations, Inria Seminar Unithé ou Café with G Charpiat, Feb 2019; When AI & Big Data meet life sciences - Advances in research and ethical questions, Round Table at YLRS2019, Paris, Jun 2019; Inferring past history from genetic data using ABC and Deep Learning approaches, Seminar at Lille University, Jan 2019; Creating Artificial Human Genomes Using Generative Models, Seminars at LCQB and Evolmol IBENS, Paris, Nov and Dec 2019.
Julien Girard - Formal validation for machine learning, DataIA day on Safety & AI, Palaiseau, Sept. 11th.
Isabelle Guyon - Invited talk at 2019 Sackler Coloquium of the Science of Deep Learning, and Keynote IJCNN 2019: "Neural network solvers for power transmission problems" (
Michèle Sebag - Meta-Learning, Kickoff of the Kompetenz Center in Machine Learning, Rhine Ruhr Region, Jan. 2019; Structural Agnostic Models, Oberwolfach Symposium on Causality, May 2019; Artificial Intelligence & Causal Modeling, CREST Big Data Applications Symposium, Tokyo, Sept. 24, 2019; Some news and questions about AI and Machine Learning, Arensberg Symposium, Leuven, Nov. 2019.
Marc Schoenauer - Intelligence Artificielle Mythes et réalités, audition par la Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Feb. 13, 2019; Intelligence Artificielle : du congrès de Dartmouth au rapport Villani, Séminaire IFPEN, Apr. 4. 2019; Intelligence Artificielle : de Dartmouth à l’apprentissage profond et au rapport Villani, Rencontres Franciliennes de Mécanique, May 28, 2019; A gentle introduction to AI and (Deep) Learning, Mexican-French Workshop, Aug. 27. 2019, Mexico; Intelligence artificielle : certification, transparence, et impact sur la société, Data Science Day, Mines Paris Tech, Sept. 18, 2019; When Big Data and Machine Learning meet Partial Differential Equations, CREST Big Data Applications Symposium, Tokyo, Sept. 25, 2019;
Paola Tubaro - Sélectionné.e par une IA ? Algorithmes, inégalités, et les "humains dans la boucle", Centre D'Alembert, Orsay, 18/04/2019; Dans la fabrique des algorithmes : plateformes, micro-travail et dynamiques d'externalisation, INSEE, 14/05/2019; The human labour that makes AI possible: An empirical study of micro-work in France, Alan Turing Institute, London, 22/01/2019; Que font les big data aux sciences sociales ? Retour sur une ‘crise’ annoncée, EHESS, 21/02/2019.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Isabelle Guyon - President and co-founder of ChaLearn, a non-for-profit organization dedicated to the organization of challenge.
Marc Schoenauer - Chair of ACM-SIGEVO (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation), 2015-2019, now in Advisory Board; Founding President (since 2015) of SPECIES (Society for the Promotion of Evolutionary Computation In Europe and Surroundings), that organizes the yearly series of conferences EvoStar.
Michèle Sebag - Elected Chair of Steering Committee, ECML-PKDD; Board member, Institut de Convergence DataIA.
Paola Tubaro - Convenor of the Social Network Analysis Group of British Sociological Association; co-founder of European Network on Digital Labor.
Scientific Expertise
Guillaume Charpiat - Member of the Inria Saclay Commission Scientifique, and as such, jury committee for grants for PhD theses / postdocs / professor delegations; expertise for DigiCosme grants, ANRT CIFRE PhD grants; for GPU platforms: Jean Zay (GENCI) and Lab-IA (Saclay plateau). Discussion panel of the workshop day IA & Océan-Atmosphère-Climat (IMT Atlantique Rennes), February 6th. Panel of the Machine Learning workshop at CRiP ITES, Deauville, April 5th.
Cécile Germain - Evaluator for the H2020-2016-CNECT program; member of the DFG review panel within Germany’s excellence strategy selection process.
Marc Schoenauer - Comité Scientifique IA, SCube (Scientipôle Savoirs & Société), Orsay; Scientific Committee, TrackML (see Section 7.6); Comité de sélection, Chaire ABEONA-ENS "Biais et Equité en IA"; Conseil Scientifique, IFPEN; Scientific Advisory Board, BCAM, Bilbao, Spain; Scientific Advisory Board, Tara Oceans, Paris.
Michèle Sebag - Hiring juries : LRI; Centrale-Supélec; ENS-Paris; UCA-Nice; U. Freiburg, Germany. Selection juries: Awards NIPS 2019. Propositions NSERC, Canada; Propositions Dpt STIC; Prix de thèse AFIA. Expert Committee from Finland’s Minister of Economic Affairs, AI Strategy, February 2019.
Research Administration
Isabelle Guyon - Representative of UPSud in the DataIA Institut de Convergence Program Committee, University of Paris-Saclay. Responsible of Master AIC (becoming Paris-Saclay master in Artificial Intelligence).
Marc Schoenauer - Deputy Scientific Director of Inria (in French, Directeur Scientifique Adjoint, DSA), in charge of AI.
Michele Sebag - Deputy director of LRI, CNRS UMR 8623; elected member of the Research Council of Univ. Paris-Saclay; member of the STIC department council of Univ. Paris-Saclay; member of the Scientific Council of Labex AMIES, Applications des Mathématiques ds l'Industrie, l'Entreprise et la Société.
Paola Tubaro - Representative of CNRS in the DataIA Institut de Convergence Program Committee, University of Paris-Saclay; member of the Board, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Saclay; member of CLIP, Institut Pascal, University of Paris-Saclay.