Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Isabelle Guyon - Competition co-chair, ECMLPKDD 2019

  • Michele Sebag - Area Chair NIPS 2017-2019, ICLR 2020

  • Flora Jay - PASADENA workshop co-chair, Paris, 2019

Member of Organizing Committees
  • Guillaume Charpiat - Organizing & scientific committee of the ForMaL summer school, at ENS Cachan, June 2019, and of WAISE (Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety Engineering) held at SafeComp in September 2019.

  • Flora Jay - Organizing & scientific committee of Research Program "Ecosystem dynamics : stakes, data and models" at Institut Pascal, Paris-Saclay, 2019.

  • Isabelle Guyon - Advisory committee BayLearn 2019; Co-organizer NeurIPS 2019 workshop on Challenges in Machine Learning; Co-organizer NeurIPS 2019 NewInML workshop.

  • Marc Schoenauer - Steering Committee, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN); Steering Committee, Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION).

  • Michele Sebag - President of Steering Committee, Eur. Conf. on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD).

Scientific Events: Selection


All TAU members are reviewers of the main conferences in their respective fields of expertise.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Isabelle Guyon - Action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR); series editor, Springer series Challenges in Machine Learning (CiML).

  • Marc Schoenauer - Advisory Board, Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press, and Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Machines, Springer Verlag; Action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).

  • Michèle Sebag - Editorial Board, Machine Learning, Springer Verlag.

  • Paola Tubaro - Associate Editorial Board Sociology, Sage; Co-editor, Revue Française de Sociologie, Presses de Sciences Po.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

All members of the team reviewed numerous articles for the most prestigious journals in their respective fields of expertise.

Invited Talks

  • Guillaume Charpiat - Deep Learning for Satellite Imagery in the Imagine team (ENPC), at Champs-sur-Marne, March 2019; and at LRDE lab (EPITA), at Kremlin-Bicêtre, April 2019; Deep Learning for Storm Trajectory Prediction and Remote Sensing at the seminar AI for Climate, at Jussieu (Paris), December 2019.

  • Cyril Furtlehner - A machine learning approach to solar wind speed forecasting from solar images, Machine Learning in Heliophysics conference, Amsterdam September 2019.

  • Flora Jay - Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Population Genetics, Statistics/Machine Learning at Paris-Saclay, Bures-sur-Yvette, Jan 2019; Inferring Demography? A Deep Learning Approach for Population Genetic Data, ALPHY 7-8 Feb. 2019; Génomes présents, histoires d'antan: Apprentissage profond pour la génétique des populations, Inria Seminar Unithé ou Café with G Charpiat, Feb 2019; When AI & Big Data meet life sciences - Advances in research and ethical questions, Round Table at YLRS2019, Paris, Jun 2019; Inferring past history from genetic data using ABC and Deep Learning approaches, Seminar at Lille University, Jan 2019; Creating Artificial Human Genomes Using Generative Models, Seminars at LCQB and Evolmol IBENS, Paris, Nov and Dec 2019.

  • Julien Girard - Formal validation for machine learning, DataIA day on Safety & AI, Palaiseau, Sept. 11th.

  • Isabelle Guyon - Invited talk at 2019 Sackler Coloquium of the Science of Deep Learning, and Keynote IJCNN 2019: "Neural network solvers for power transmission problems" (https://youtu.be/YBcRzIAFDYU).

  • Michèle Sebag - Meta-Learning, Kickoff of the Kompetenz Center in Machine Learning, Rhine Ruhr Region, Jan. 2019; Structural Agnostic Models, Oberwolfach Symposium on Causality, May 2019; Artificial Intelligence & Causal Modeling, CREST Big Data Applications Symposium, Tokyo, Sept. 24, 2019; Some news and questions about AI and Machine Learning, Arensberg Symposium, Leuven, Nov. 2019.

  • Marc Schoenauer - Intelligence Artificielle Mythes et réalités, audition par la Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Feb. 13, 2019; Intelligence Artificielle : du congrès de Dartmouth au rapport Villani, Séminaire IFPEN, Apr. 4. 2019; Intelligence Artificielle : de Dartmouth à l’apprentissage profond et au rapport Villani, Rencontres Franciliennes de Mécanique, May 28, 2019; A gentle introduction to AI and (Deep) Learning, Mexican-French Workshop, Aug. 27. 2019, Mexico; Intelligence artificielle : certification, transparence, et impact sur la société, Data Science Day, Mines Paris Tech, Sept. 18, 2019; When Big Data and Machine Learning meet Partial Differential Equations, CREST Big Data Applications Symposium, Tokyo, Sept. 25, 2019;

  • Paola Tubaro - Sélectionné.e par une IA ? Algorithmes, inégalités, et les "humains dans la boucle", Centre D'Alembert, Orsay, 18/04/2019; Dans la fabrique des algorithmes : plateformes, micro-travail et dynamiques d'externalisation, INSEE, 14/05/2019; The human labour that makes AI possible: An empirical study of micro-work in France, Alan Turing Institute, London, 22/01/2019; Que font les big data aux sciences sociales ? Retour sur une ‘crise’ annoncée, EHESS, 21/02/2019.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Isabelle Guyon - President and co-founder of ChaLearn, a non-for-profit organization dedicated to the organization of challenge.

  • Marc Schoenauer - Chair of ACM-SIGEVO (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation), 2015-2019, now in Advisory Board; Founding President (since 2015) of SPECIES (Society for the Promotion of Evolutionary Computation In Europe and Surroundings), that organizes the yearly series of conferences EvoStar.

  • Michèle Sebag - Elected Chair of Steering Committee, ECML-PKDD; Board member, Institut de Convergence DataIA.

  • Paola Tubaro - Convenor of the Social Network Analysis Group of British Sociological Association; co-founder of European Network on Digital Labor.

Scientific Expertise

  • Guillaume Charpiat - Member of the Inria Saclay Commission Scientifique, and as such, jury committee for grants for PhD theses / postdocs / professor delegations; expertise for DigiCosme grants, ANRT CIFRE PhD grants; for GPU platforms: Jean Zay (GENCI) and Lab-IA (Saclay plateau). Discussion panel of the workshop day IA & Océan-Atmosphère-Climat (IMT Atlantique Rennes), February 6th. Panel of the Machine Learning workshop at CRiP ITES, Deauville, April 5th.

  • Cécile Germain - Evaluator for the H2020-2016-CNECT program; member of the DFG review panel within Germany’s excellence strategy selection process.

  • Isabelle Guyon - Member of the NeurIPS foundation board.

  • Marc Schoenauer - Comité Scientifique IA, SCube (Scientipôle Savoirs & Société), Orsay; Scientific Committee, TrackML (see Section 7.6); Comité de sélection, Chaire ABEONA-ENS "Biais et Equité en IA"; Conseil Scientifique, IFPEN; Scientific Advisory Board, BCAM, Bilbao, Spain; Scientific Advisory Board, Tara Oceans, Paris.

  • Michèle Sebag - Hiring juries : LRI; Centrale-Supélec; ENS-Paris; UCA-Nice; U. Freiburg, Germany. Selection juries: Awards NIPS 2019. Propositions NSERC, Canada; Propositions Dpt STIC; Prix de thèse AFIA. Expert Committee from Finland’s Minister of Economic Affairs, AI Strategy, February 2019.

Research Administration

  • Isabelle Guyon - Representative of UPSud in the DataIA Institut de Convergence Program Committee, University of Paris-Saclay. Responsible of Master AIC (becoming Paris-Saclay master in Artificial Intelligence).

  • Marc Schoenauer - Deputy Scientific Director of Inria (in French, Directeur Scientifique Adjoint, DSA), in charge of AI.

  • Michele Sebag - Deputy director of LRI, CNRS UMR 8623; elected member of the Research Council of Univ. Paris-Saclay; member of the STIC department council of Univ. Paris-Saclay; member of the Scientific Council of Labex AMIES, Applications des Mathématiques ds l'Industrie, l'Entreprise et la Société.

  • Paola Tubaro - Representative of CNRS in the DataIA Institut de Convergence Program Committee, University of Paris-Saclay; member of the Board, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Saclay; member of CLIP, Institut Pascal, University of Paris-Saclay.