Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Philippe Caillou, Computer Science for students in Accounting and Management, 192h, L1, IUT Sceaux, Univ. Paris Sud.

  • Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Computer Architecture, 42h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Introduction to Machine Learning, 57h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence : François Landes, Mathematics for Computer Scientists, 51h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence : François Landes, Intro to Machine Learning, 48h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence and Polytech : Cécile Germain, Computer Architecture

  • Licence : Isabelle Guyon: Introduction to Data Science, L1, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Licence : Isabelle Guyon, Project: Resolution of mini-challenges (created by M2 students), L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : François Landes, Machine Learning, 34h, M1 Polytech, U. Paris-sud.

  • Master : Aurélien Decelle, Machine Learning, 26h, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Aurélien Decelle, Probability and statistics, 26h, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Aurélien Decelle, Probability, statistics and information theory, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Guillaume Charpiat, Deep Learning in Practice, 24h, M2 Recherche, Centrale-Supelec + MVA.

  • Master : Isabelle Guyon, Project: Creation of mini-challenges, M2, Univ. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Michèle Sebag, Machine Learning, 12h; Deep Learning, 9h; Reinforcement Learning, 12h; M2 Recherche, U. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : François Landes, Machine Learning, 22h, M2 Recherche, U. Paris-Sud.

  • Master : Paola Tubaro, Start -up project for engineering students, 24h, Telecom ParisTech.

  • Master : Paola Tubaro, Sociology of social networks, 24h, M2, EHESS/ENS.

  • Master : Paola Tubaro, Social and economic network science, 24h, M2, ENSAE.

  • Doctorate: Paola Tubaro, Research Methods, 12h, University of Insubria, Italy.

  • Summer school: Guillaume Charpiat, Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorial, 4h30, ForMaL, ENS Cachan, June 4th


  • HdR - Paola Tubaro, Decoding the platform society: Organizations, markets and networks in the digital economy, 11/12/2019, Sciences Po Paris.

  • PhD - Benjamin DONNOT, Deep learning methods for predicting flows in power grids : novel architectures and algorithms., 13/02/2019, Isabelle Guyon and Antoine Marot (RTE)

  • PhD - Corentin TALLEC, Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks: Dynamical approaches, 7/10/2019, Université Paris-Saclay, Yann Ollivier

  • PhD - Mandar CHANDORKAR, Machine Learning in Space Weather, 14/11/2019, University of Eindhoven, Enrico Camporeale, Cyril Furtlehner, and Michèle Sebag

  • PhD - Guillaume DOQUET, Agnostic Feature Selection, 29/11/2019, Université Paris-Saclay, Michèle Sebag

  • PhD - Diviyan KALAINATHAN, Generative Neural Networks to Infer Causal Mechanisms: Algorithms and Applications, 17/12/2019, Université Paris-Saclay, Michèle Sebag and Isabelle Guyon

  • PhD - Lisheng SUN, Meta-Learning as a Markov Decision Process, 19/12/2019, Université Paris-Saclay, Isabelle Guyon and Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress - Eléonore BARTENLIAN, Deep Learning pour le traitement du signal, 1/10/2018, Michèle Sebag and Frédéric Pascal (Centrale-Supélec)

  • PhD in progress - Victor BERGER, Variational Anytime Simulator, 1/10/2017, Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress - Guillaume BIED, Valorisation des Données pour la Recherche d’Emploi, 1/10/2019, Bruno Crepon (CREST-ENSAE) and Philippe Caillou

  • PhD in progress - Leonard BLIER, Vers une architecture stable pour les systèmes d’apprentissage par renforcement, 1/09/2018, Yann Ollivier (Facebook AI Research, Paris) and Marc Schoenauer

  • PhD in progress - Tony BONNAIRE, Reconstruction de la toile cosmique, from 1/10/2018, Nabila Aghanim (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale) and Aurélien Decelle

  • PhD in progress - Balthazar DONON, Apprentissage par renforcement pour une conduite stratégique du système électrique, 1/10/2018, Isabelle Guyon and Antoine Marot (RTE)

  • PhD in progress - Victor ESTRADE Robust domain-adversarial learning, with applications to High Energy Physics, 01/10/2016, Cécile Germain and Isabelle Guyon.

  • PhD in progress - Loris FELARDOS, Neural networks for molecular dynamics simulations, 1/10/2018, Guillaume Charpiat, Jérôme Hénin (IBPC) and Bruno Raffin (InriAlpes)

  • PhD in progress - Giancarlo FISSORE, Statistical physics analysis of generative models, 1/10/2017, Aurélien Decelle and Cyril Furtlehner

  • PhD in progress - Julien GIRARD, Vérification et validation des techniques d’apprentissage automatique, 1/10/2018, Zakarian Chihani (CEA) and Guillaume Charpiat

  • PhD in progress - Nicolas GIRARD, Satellite image vectorization using neural networks, 1/10/2017, Yuliya Tarabalka & Pierre Alliez (Inria Sophia-Antipolis) and Guillaume Charpiat

  • PhD in progress - Armand LACOMBE, Recommandation de Formations: Application de l'apprentissage causal dans le domaine des ressources humaines, 1/10/2019, Michele Sebag and Philippe Caillou

  • PhD in progress - Zhengying LIU, Automation du design des reseaux de neurones profonds, 1/10/2017, Isabelle Guyon

  • PhD in progress - Nizam MAKDOUD, Motivations intrinsèques en apprentissage par renforcement. Application à la recherche de failles de sécurité, 1/02/2018, Marc Schoenauer and Jérôme Kodjabachian (Thalès ThereSIS, Palaiseau).

  • PhD in progress - Marc NABHAN, Sûreté de fonctionnement d’un véhicule autonome - évaluation des fausses détections au travers d’un profil de mission réduit, 1/10/2017, Marc Schoenauer and Hiba Hage (Renault)

  • PhD in progress - Adrian POL Machine Learning Anomaly Detection, with application to CMS Data Quality Monitoring, 01/10/2016, Cécile Germain.

  • PhD in progress - Herilalaina RAKOTOARISON, Automatic Algorithm Configuration for Power Grid Optimization, 1/10/2017, Marc Schoenauer and Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress - Théophile SANCHEZ, Reconstructing the past: deep learning for population genetics, 1/10/2017, Guillaume Charpiat and Flora Jay

  • PhD in progress - Pierre WOLINSKI, Learning the Architecture of Neural Networks, from 1/9/2016, Yann Ollivier (Facebook AI Research, Paris) and Guillaume Charpiat

  • PhD in progress - Wenzhuo LIU, Machine Learning for Numerical Simulation of PDEs, from 1/11/2019, Mouadh Yagoubi (IRT SystemX) and Marc Schoenauer

  • PhD in progress - Marion ULLMO, Reconstruction de la toile cosmique, from 1/10/2018, Nabila Aghanim (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale) and Aurélien Decelle


  • Marc Schoenauer: Reviewer for Dennis Wilson, IRIT, Université Toulouse; PhD jury of Patricio Cerda Reyes, U. Paris-Saclay, 28/11/2019.

  • François Landes: PhD rapporteur of Martina Teruzzi (Condensed matter and Machine Learning PhD, at SISSA, Trieste, Italy).

  • Paola Tubaro: PhD jury of Sophie Balech, U. Paris Nanterre, 09/07/2019; PhD jury of Linda Rua, U. Paris Dauphine, 13/12/2019.

  • Guillaume Charpiat: half-way PhD committee ("à mi-parcours") of Rodrigo Daudt (ONERA), of Julie Rivet (EPITA) and of Nissim Zerbib (Institut de la Vision)

  • Isabelle Guyon: PhD jury Justine Falque, U. Paris-Saclay (29/11/2019).

  • Michele Sebag: Reviewer for A. Chemla (PhD U. Roma & IRCAM); Pierre Fournier (PhD ISIR).