Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Project Macaron

Participants : Julien Mairal, Zaid Harchaoui [Univ. Washington] , Laurent Jacob [CNRS, LBBE Laboratory] , Michael Blum [CNRS, TIMC Laboratory] , Joseph Salmon [Telecom ParisTech] , Mikita Dvornik, Daan Wynen.

The project MACARON is an endeavor to develop new mathematical and algorithmic tools for making machine learning more scalable. Our ultimate goal is to use data for solving scientific problems and automatically converting data into scientific knowledge by using machine learning techniques. Therefore, our project has two different axes, a methodological one, and an applied one driven by explicit problems. The methodological axis addresses the limitations of current machine learning for simultaneously dealing with large-scale data and huge models. The second axis addresses open scientific problems in bioinformatics, computer vision, image processing, and neuroscience, where a massive amount of data is currently produced, and where huge-dimensional models yield similar computational problems.

This is a 4 years and half project, funded by ANR under the program “Jeunes chercheurs, jeunes chercheuses”, which started in October 2014 and ended in March 2019. The principal investigator is Julien Mairal.

ANR Project DeepInFrance

Participants : Jakob Verbeek, Adria Ruiz Ovejero.

DeepInFrance (Machine learning with deep neural networks) project also aims at bringing together complementary machine learning, computer vision and machine listening research groups working on deep learning with GPUs in order to provide the community with the knowledge, the visibility and the tools that brings France among the key players in deep learning. The long-term vision of Deep in France is to open new frontiers and foster research towards algorithms capable of discovering sense in data in an automatic manner, a stepping stone before the more ambitious far-end goal of machine reasoning. The project partners are: INSA Rouen, Univ. Caen, Inria, UPMC, Aix-Marseille Univ., Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis.


Participant : Karteek Alahari.

This ANR project (started in October 2018) aims to address the perception gap between human and artificial visual systems through a visual memory network for human-like interpretation of scenes. To this end, we address three scientific challenges. The first is to learn a network representation of image, video and text data collections, to leverage their inherent diverse cues. The second is to depart from supervised learning paradigms, without compromising on the performance. The third one is to perform inference with the learnt network, e.g., to estimate physical and functional properties of objects, or give cautionary advice for navigating a scene. The principal investigator is Karteek Alahari, and the project involves participants from CentraleSupelec and Ecole des Ponts in Paris.