Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
J.-C. Filliâtre, scientific chair and co-organizer of EJCP (École Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation du GDR GPL) at Strasbourg on June 24–28, 2019. 5 days / 8 lectures / 25 participants.
Scientific Events: Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
S. Boldo, program co-chair of the 26th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2019), Kyoto, Japan. [35]
Member of the Conference Program Committees
J.-C. Filliâtre, 10th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2019)
J.-C. Filliâtre, 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2020)
J.-C. Filliâtre, European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2020)
G. Melquiond, 26th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2019)
G. Melquiond, 10th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2019)
The members of the Toccata team have reviewed numerous papers for numerous international conferences.
Member of the Editorial Boards
G. Melquiond, member of the editorial board of Reliable Computing.
J.-C. Filliâtre, member of the editorial board of Journal of Functional Programming.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The members of the Toccata team have reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals.
Invited Talks
G. Melquiond, “Computer Arithmetic and Formal Proofs” [19], at the 30th Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2019).
J.-C. Filliâtre, “Deductive Verification of OCaml Libraries” [17], at the 15th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM), December 2019, Bergen, Norway.
J.-C. Filliâtre, “Retour sur 25 ans de programmation avec OCaml” [18], at Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA), January 2019, Les Rousses, France.
J.-C. Filliâtre, “The Why3 tool for deductive verification and verified OCaml libraries”, at Frama-C/Spark day 2019, Paris, France.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
S. Boldo, elected chair of the ARITH working group of the GDR-IM (a CNRS subgroup of computer science) with J. Detrey (Inria Nancy) and now L.-S. Didier (Univ. Toulon).
J.-C. Filliâtre, chair of IFIP WG 1.9/2.15 verified Software.
Scientific Expertise
G. Melquiond, member of the scientific commission of Inria-Saclay, in charge of selecting candidates for PhD grants, Post-doc grants, temporary leaves from universities (“délégations”).
S. Boldo, member of the program committee for selecting postdocs of the maths/computer science program of the Labex mathématique Hadamard.
S. Boldo has mentored for 1 year a female PhD student of University Paris-Saclay (from epidemiology).
J.-C. Filliâtre, grading the entrance examination at X/ENS (“option informatique”).
C. Marché, member of DigiCosme committee for research and innovation (selection of projects for working groups, post-doc grants, doctoral missions, invited professors)
Research Administration
G. Melquiond, member of the committee for the monitoring of PhD students (“commission de suivi doctoral”).
S Boldo, member of the CLFP (“commission locale de formation permanente”).
S. Boldo, member of the CDT commission of Saclay (“commission de développement technologique”).
S. Boldo, member of the STIC department commission of Univ. Paris-Sud.
S. Boldo, member of the executive commission for the Digicosme Labex.
S. Boldo, deputy scientific director (DSA) of Inria Saclay research center from January 1st, 2019