Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) “Proofs of Programs” (M2), C. Marché (12h).
A. Lanco, Unix et programmation Web, 24h, L2, Université Paris-Saclay, France.
G. Melquiond, Programmation C++ avancée, 12h, M2, Université Paris-Saclay, France.
J.-C. Filliâtre, Langages de programmation et compilation, 25h, L3, École Normale Supérieure, France.
J.-C. Filliâtre, Les bases de l'algorithmique et de la programmation, 15h, L3, École Polytechnique, France.
J.-C. Filliâtre, Compilation, 18h, M1, École Polytechnique, France.
S. Boldo was invited in the Xavier Leroy's course at Collège de France on Dec 19th.
HDR: G. Melquiond, “Formal Verification for Numerical Computations, and the Other Way Around” [11], Université Paris-Sud, Apr. 1st, 2019.
PhD: F. Faissole, “Formalisations d'analyses d'erreurs en analyse numérique et en arithmétique à virgule flottante”, Université Paris-Saclay & Université Paris-Sud, Dec 13th 2019, supervised by S. Boldo and A. Chapoutot. [Not yet on HAL]
PhD: A. Coquereau, “Amélioration de performances du solveur SMT Alt-Ergo grâce à l’intégration d’un solveur SAT efficace”, Université Paris-Saclay & Université Paris-Sud, Dec 16th 2019, supervised by S. Conchon, F. Le Fessant et M. Mauny. [Not yet on HAL]
PhD: M. Roux, “Extensions de l’algorithme d’atteignabilité arrière dans le cadre de la vérification de modèles modulo théories”, Université Paris-Saclay & Université Paris-Sud, Dec 19th 2019, supervised by Sylvain Conchon. [Not yet on HAL]
PhD in progress: R. Rieu-Helft, “Développement et vérification de bibliothèques d'arithmétique entière en précision arbitraire”, since Oct. 2017, supervised by G. Melquiond and P. Cuoq (TrustInSoft).
PhD in progress: D. Gallois-Wong, “Vérification formelle et filtres numériques”, since Oct. 2017, supervised by S. Boldo and T. Hilaire.
PhD in progress: Q. Garchery, “Certification de la génération et de la transformation d’obligations de preuve”, since Oct. 2018, supervised by C. Keller, C. Marché and A. Paskevich.
PhD in progress: A. Lanco, “Stratégies pour la réduction forte”, since Oct. 2019, supervised by T. Balabonski and G. Melquiond.
G. Turbiau has been a M1 trainee for 2 months, supervised by S. Boldo.
S. Boldo, member of the Inria CRCN recruiting juries, national one and at Rennes.
S. Boldo, president of the PhD defense of Clothilde Jeangoudoux, Sorbonne University, May 21st
S. Boldo, reviewer of the habilitation of Christoph Lauter, Sorbonne University, May 22nd
S. Boldo, reviewer of the PhD defence of Florent Bréhard, ENS Lyon, July 12th
S. Boldo, reviewer of PhD defence of Damien Rouhling, Université Côte d'Azur, Sept 30th
S. Boldo, president of the PhD defense of Yohan Chatelain, Université Paris-Saclay, Dec 12th
S. Boldo, president of the PhD defense of Armaël Guéneau, Université de Paris, Dec 16th
S. Boldo, member of the PhD defense of Antoine Kaszczyc, Université Paris-Nord, Dec 18th
J.-C. Filliâtre, reviewer of the PhD defense of Y. El Bakouny, “Scallina: On the Intersection of Scala and Gallina”, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, December 19, 2019.
J.-C. Filliâtre, president of the PhD defense of L. Blatter “Relational properties for specification and verification of C programs in Frama-C”, University Paris Saclay, September 26, 2019.