XPOP - 2019
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 4A. Havet, M. Lerasle, É. Moulines.

    Density estimation for RWRE, in: Mathematical Methods of Statistics, March 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.05839. [ DOI : 10.3103/S1066530719010022 ]

  • 5F. Husson, J. Josse, B. Narasimhan, G. Robin.

    Imputation of mixed data with multilevel singular value decomposition, in: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.11087, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1080/10618600.2019.1585261 ]

  • 6W. Jiang, J. Josse, M. Lavielle.

    Logistic Regression with Missing Covariates – Parameter Estimation, Model Selection and Prediction, in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, December 2019, 106907 p, https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04602, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.csda.2019.106907 ]

  • 7B. Karimi, M. Lavielle, É. Moulines.

    f-SAEM: A fast Stochastic Approximation of the EM algorithm for nonlinear mixed effects models, in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, July 2019, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.csda.2019.07.001 ]

  • 8L. , M. Berge, A. Tfayli, A. Baillet-Guffroy, P. Prognon, A. Dowek, E. Caudron.

    Quantification of gemcitabine intravenous drugs by direct measurement in chemotherapy plastic bags using a handheld Raman spectrometer, in: Talanta, May 2019, vol. 196, pp. 376-380. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.11.062 ]

  • 9A. Marguet, M. Lavielle, E. Cinquemani.

    Inheritance and variability of kinetic gene expression parameters in microbial cells: modeling and inference from lineage tree data, in: Bioinformatics, 2019, vol. 35, no 14, pp. i586-i595. [ DOI : 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz378 ]

  • 10G. Robin, J. Josse, É. Moulines, S. Sardy.

    Low-rank model with covariates for count data analysis, in: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, April 2019, vol. 173, https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.02296.

  • 11G. Robin, O. Klopp, J. Josse, É. Moulines, R. Tibshirani.

    Main effects and interactions in mixed and incomplete data frames, in: Journal of the American Statistical Association, June 2019. [ DOI : 10.1080/01621459.2019.1623041 ]

  • 12M. Touzot, P. Seris, C. Maheas, J. Vanmassenhove, A.-L. Langlois, K. Moubakir, S. Laplanche, T. Petitclerc, C. Ridel, M. Lavielle.

    A mathematical model to predict BNP levels in hemodialysis patients, in: Nephrology, 2019. [ DOI : 10.1111/nep.13586 ]


Invited Conferences

  • 13B. Karimi, B. Miasojedow, É. Moulines, H.-T. Wai.

    Non-asymptotic Analysis of Biased Stochastic Approximation Scheme, in: COLT 2019 - 32nd Annual Conference on Conference on Learning Theory, Phoenix, United States, 2019, pp. 1 - 33.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 14B. Karimi, M. Lavielle.

    Efficient Metropolis-Hastings sampling for nonlinear mixed effects models, in: BAYSM 2018 - Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting, Warwick, United Kingdom, Bayesian Statistics and New Generations - Proceedings of BAYSM, Springer, 2019.

  • 15B. Karimi, H.-T. Wai, É. Moulines, M. Lavielle.

    On the Global Convergence of (Fast) Incremental Expectation Maximization Methods, in: NeurIPS 2019 - 33th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 16V. Audigier, F. Husson, J. Josse, M. Resche-Rigon.

    Imputation multiple pour données mixtes par analyse factorielle, in: JdS2019 - 51es Journées de Statistique de la Société Française de Statistique, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France, Société Française de Statistique, June 2019.

  • 17T. Levent, P. Preux, E. Le Pennec, J. Badosa, G. Henri, Y. Bonnassieux.

    Energy Management for Microgrids: a Reinforcement Learning Approach, in: ISGT-Europe 2019 - IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Bucharest, France, IEEE, September 2019, pp. 1-5. [ DOI : 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905538 ]


Other Publications