Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Thales ARCADIA/Melody

Participants : Frédéric Mallet, Robert de Simone.

During the course of the ARTEMIS CESAR project, we exchanged views with partners at Thales on potential methodologies based on Model-Driven Engineering for Embedded Systems. These considerations were mostly aimed at the support with tools of the various allocation and refinement steps in a V-cycle process, considering joint software and hardware design. Subsequently we were invited to conduct an evaluation survey and expert consulting on their internal MDE development project, the ARCADIA methodology (supported by the Melody tool environment).

The work included identification of potential ambiguous points in the representation models, followed by the definition of a relevant set of questions regarding possible interpretations. This form was then submitted to a panel of development engineers inside the company. Their return answers were analyzed by us, jointly with the promotors of the methodology inside Thales. Recommandations for improvements followed.

This job was conducted under Non-Disclosure Agreement (as the methodology remains proprietary, and is not part of CESAR tool deliverables). It led to a Grant agreement from this company to our team.