Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


Participants : Robert de Simone, Jean-François Le Tallec, Carlos Gomez Cardenas.

This ambitious regional initiative is intended to foster collaborations between local PACA industry and academia partners on the topics of microelectronic design, though mutualization of equipments, resources and R&D concerns. We are so far actively participating in the Design Platform (one of the three platforms launched in this context), of which INRIA is a founding member.

This year the platform acquired more EDA tools, such as Synopsys Virtualizer (comprising the former CoWare virtual platform environment), and Docea Power AcePlorer (which we are using in th ecourse of the ANR HeLP project). Several Aoste members attended specific trainings on these tools.

Jean-François Le Tallec is currently completing his PhD thesis (expected January 2012), which was partly funded on the CIM PACA initiative. Apart from this, which will close the lifespan of the Sys2RTL CIM PACA project, we are looking for further collaborative associations including the team of Michel Auguin at CNRS UMR LEAT, Texas Instruments, and maybe Synopsys amongst other partners. Discussions for project submissions are under way (one difficulty here is that US companies are not familiar with european or national collaborative fundings).