Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR RT-Simex

Participants : Julien deAntoni, Kelly Garces Pernett, Frédéric Mallet.

The RT-Simex project is dedicated to the reverse engineering of analysis traces of simulation and execution back up to the source code, or in our case most likely into the original models in a Marte profile representation. The prime contractor is Obeo , a software publishing company based in Nantes.


Participants : Jean-François Le Tallec, Carlos Gomez Cardenas, Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Robert de Simone.

The ANR HeLP project deals with joint modeling of functional behavior and energy consumption for the design of low-power heterogeneous SoCs. Partners are ST Microelectronics and Docea Power (SME) as industrial; INRIA, UNS (UMR LEAT), and VERIMAG (coordinator) as academics. Our goal in this project is twofold: first, combine SoC modeling with temporal behavior and logical time (as obtained in the ID/TL-M collaboration, see 7.1 ) with energy/power modeling as extra annotations on MARTE models; second, compare the capacities of hig-level SystemC TLM abstraction with that of Esterel seen as a multiclock formalism based on logical abstract time.

The PhD thesis of Jean-François Le Tallec, originally funded in the CIM PACA programme, is being continued as part of the HeLP project. Additionaly, part of Carlos Gomez Cardenas PhD work on metamodeling in MARTE of power consumption and links to dedicated tools is also presented to this project (in connection with complementary work at LEAT on this topic).

FUI Lambda

Participants : Charles André, Frédéric Mallet.

In the context of embedded software deployed on "off the shelf" execution platforms, the LAMBDA project has two major goals:

  • To demonstrate the technical feasibility and the interest of model libraries by formalizing the key properties of execution platforms,

  • To reconcile appropriated standards (SysML, MARTE, AADL, IP-XACT) with de facto standards (already implemented by widespread analysis and simulation tools.)

In this context we provided expertise mainly on the SyncCharts, MARTE, and SysML formalisms (our involvement in this project is only marginal, in support of other INRIA teams). The final project review was held at the end of September, 2011.


Participants : Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Thomas Carle, Virginia Papailiopoulou, Yves Sorel.

The Parsec project is a large collaboration with partners such as Thales, CEA, Elidiss, INRIA, Systerel, OpenWide, Alstom, and TelecomParisTech. The project aims at defining a framework for the development of distributed real-time embedded systems that are subject to strict certification standards such as DO-178B (for avionics), IEC 61508 (for transportation systems), or ISO/IEC 15408 (the Common Criteria for information technology security evaluation).

The AOSTE team uses its expertise in the modeling and distributed real-time implementation of embedded applications using synchronous formalisms and associated tools. The two main scientific challenges of the project are (1) a better modeling of the distributed implementation architectures, allowing code generation for novel architectures and better code generation for architectures we currently handle, and (2) the modeling and efficient implementation of mode changes, as they are specified in an industrial context.

Virginia Papailiopoulou was partially funded as post-doc on this project, which will also finance the PhD scholarship of Thomas Carle.


Participants : Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Yves Sorel.

The main purpose of this project is to define a Pivot format that allows the automatic generation of certified code for safety critical applications. Partners of this project are: Aboard, ACG, Airbus, Adacore, Altair, Astrium, Atos, Continental, ENPC, INRIA, IRIT, LABSTICC, ONERA, RCF, SAGEM, Scilab, STI, Thales-AS, Thales-AV.

The project was only recently started, and first concrete results are expected for next year.


Participants : Julien deAntoni, Kelly Garces Pernett, Frédéric Mallet.

The purpose of the Action Spécifique by CNRS is to gather the French research community working around heterogeneous modeling of complex systems. Funding was granted for a couple of internal visits and plenary meetings this year. TimeSquare was presented in this context, and a survey of methods (including ours) is being conducted.


Participant : Laurent George.

The ACTRISS working group, supported by GDR ASR (CNRS, France), is meant to federate and promote research on real-time systems in France. A workshop on multiprocessor systems was organized in this framework in May 2011 (see http://www-roc.inria.fr/who/Laurent.George/ACTRISS/ ).