Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

The Team aims at designing and developing constructive methods in modeling, identification and control of dynamical, resonant and diffusive systems.

Research Themes

  • Function theory and approximation theory in the complex domain, with applications to frequency identification of linear systems and inverse boundary problems for the Laplace and conjugate-Beltrami operators:

    • System and circuit theory with applications to the modeling of analog microwave devices. Development of dedicated software for the synthesis of such devices.

    • Inverse potential problems in 2-D and 3-D and harmonic analysis with applications to non-destructive control (from magneto/electro-encephalography in medical engineering or plasma confinement in tokamaks for nuclear fusion to inverse magnetization problems in paleomagnetism).

  • Control and structure analysis of non-linear systems with applications to orbit transfer of satellites.

International and industrial partners

  • Collaboration under contract with Thales Alenia Space (Toulouse, Cannes, and Paris), CNES (Toulouse), XLim (Limoges), CEA-IRFM (Cadarache).

  • Exchanges with UST (Villeneuve d'Asq), University Bordeaux-I (Talence), University of Orléans (MAPMO), University of Pau (EPI Inria Magique-3D), University Marseille-I (CMI), CWI (the Netherlands), SISSA (Italy), the Universities of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign USA), California at San Diego and Santa Barbara (USA), Michigan at East-Lansing (USA), Vanderbilt University (Nashville USA), Texas A&M (College Station USA), ISIB (CNR Padova, Italy), Milan Polytechnico (Milan, Italy), Beer Sheva (Israel), RMC (Kingston, Canada), University of Erlangen (Germany), Leeds (UK), Maastricht University (The Netherlands), Cork University (Ireland), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), TU-Wien (Austria), TFH-Berlin (Germany), CINVESTAV (Mexico), ENIT (Tunis), KTH (Stockholm), University of Bilbao (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain).

  • The project is involved in the ANR projects AHPI (Math., coordinator) and Filipix (Telecom.), in a EMS21-RTG NSF program (with Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA), in an NSF Grant with Vanderbilt University and the MIT, in an EPSRC Grant with Leeds University (UK).