Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR MIDAS (2008 - 2011)

Participants : Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] , Chongsheng Zhang, Mohamed Gaieb.

  • Title: MIDAS

  • Type: ANR

  • Challenge: Summarizing and Analysing Data Streams

  • Instrument: MDCO

  • Duration: 2008 - 2011

  • Coordinator: Telecom Paris Tech

  • Others partners: Ceregmia, EDF, France Telecom R&D, LIRMM, Telecom ParisTech

  • Abstract: The MIDAS project aims at studying, developing and demonstrating new methods for summarizing data streams. It tackles the following scientific challenges related to the construction of summaries.

Our source code has been integrated in the MIDAS demonstrator based on Esper, a component for complex event processing and Postgres as well as our two applications [66] , [67] , [57] . Two videos have been prepared by B. Trousse for ANR STIC conference(January 2012).

In 2011, we demonstrated the use of the SCDS MIDAS approach [11] to summarize data streams on two applications for the ANR STIC conference (Lyon, december):

  • Vehicle trajectories (Brinkhoff generator http://iapg.jade-hs.de/personen/brinkhoff/generator/ in the context of MIDAS project (Java version)

  • Orange mobile portal logs (100 million records, 3 months) in the context of Midas project ( Java version) and the CRE (Orange C++ version)

C. Zhang's thesis has been partially funded By MIDAS [19] (cf. section  6.2 ).

Web 2.0 SCAR (2009 - 2011)

Participants : Florian Bonacina, Anne-Laure Negri, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse.

  • Title: SCAR

  • Type: Web 2.0

  • Challenge: Collaborative and Adaptative Recommender ystem

  • Instrument: Web based Innovative Service

  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • Coordinator: Wozaik

  • Others partners : INRIA

  • Abstract: The goal of the Scar project is to provide to users of an advanced bookmarking system such as a recommender based on social

A state-of-the-art of tools related to the management task of bookmarks with a cognitive approach have been done.

Process 2.0 (2009 - 2011)

Participants : Pascal Marie-Dessoude, Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

  • Title: Process 2.0

  • Type: DGCSI

  • Challenge: Citizen-oriented e-Gov Tool

  • Instrument: Innovative Web

  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • Coordinator: Genigraph

  • Others partners: LIESP (via INSAVALOR), Petals link (ex EBM Websourcing), Région Midi-Pyrénées

  • Abstract: Process 2.0 Project proposes to consider the collaborative process as a composition of business services, "drawn" by end users through a collaborative design studio process that supports a multi-faceted modeling and integration of patterns.

This year, a set of specifications for collaborative work was produced [63] , and the project ended with the ergonomic evaluation of the e-Citiz tool [64] .

ANR MyCitizSpace(2007 - 2011)

Participants : Pascal Marie-Dessoude, Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

  • Title: MyCitizSpace

  • Type: ANR

  • Challenge: e-gov tool and personal information

  • Instrument: RNTL

  • Duration: 2007 - 2011

  • Coordinator: Genigraph

  • Others partners: LIG (HCI team) Grenoble, IRIT Toulouse, Genigraph, Almetis, DRTEFP d’Ile de France, Région Midi-Pyrénées

  • See also: http://genibeans.com/cgi-bin/twiki/view/MyCitizSpace/PresentationDuProjet

  • Abstract: “Méthode et outils de conception basés sur une approche d’Ingenierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) pour l’exécution distribuée des téléprocédures plastiques à espace de données personnelles sécurisé “ aims at the design of a method and tools based on a Model-Driven Architecture for the distributed execution of plastic teleprocedures incorporating a secure personal data space, making the electronic procedures between the administrations and the citizen the most seamless possible.

This year, the project ended with the ergonomic evaluation of the e-Citiz tool [65] .

ANR PIMI (2010 - 2013)

Participants : Claudia Detraux, Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

  • Title: PIMI

  • Type: ANR

  • Challenge: Personal Information Space

  • Instrument: Verso 2010

  • Duration: 2010 - 2013

  • Coordinator: Genigraph

  • Others partners: LRI, IRIT, Institut Telecom, Montimage, The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

  • Abstract: PIMI Project aims at the definition of a design environment and a deployment platform for Personal Information Management system (PIM). The future PIM must provide the end-user personal data access with services that are relevant to his needs. In order to take mobility into account, the PIM will be accessed both by mobile devices (smartphone) and personal computers.

The main contribution this year is described in section 5.7.

This work also led to a PIMI project deliverable [70] , in collaboration with LRI (P. Poizat). The research was pursued with another study [58] that produced ergonomic requirements for the PIMI prototype. An experiment with a mock-up simulating forms with their information content and providing the ability to change the structure and naming of items has been made. The observations concerned the users during the task of data entry and retrieval of data, and changes in the PIMI mockup. Also, the users acceptance to share their information or not has been recorded. The results led to a ranked list of recommendations on aspects including: structure and organization of content, items naming, information sharing, removal of sections and categories, redundancies.

Other Activities


AxIS contributed to the CGIET report [100] :

  • M. Pallot as member of the CGIET ((Conseil Général de l’Industrie, de l’Energie et des Techniques)) Working Group on “Les Living Labs en santé et autonomie: concepts, enjeux, pratiques”, coordinated by R. Picard, CGIET, Référent Santé.

  • B. Trousse as Inria researcher and co-animator of the ICT Usage lab

M. Pallot participated to the “Séminaire Living Lab pour la santé et l’autonomie”, organised by CGIET, Paris, 25 January 2011 and to the “Colloque TIC Santé 2011”, Paris, 9 Février 2011, Association FORMATICSanté, Session “Le développement de Living Labs ou expérimentation des TIC par des communautés d’acteurs sociaux - Intérêt et limites dans le domaine sanitaire et médico-social”. This year we have several contacts between ICT Usage Lab (B. Trousse), Autonom'Lab (Limousin) and CNR santé (P. Mallea) in order to identify topics of future collaborations.

Collaborations linked to our Contracts
  • FIREBALL and Future Internet Landscape: Interviews conducted with the main Inria scientific leaders of FIRE projects [69] .

  • ELLIOT and INRIA i-lab (CLIME EPI, Numtech SME): we have done a qualitative Data Analysis of 80 questionaries related to the Air Expert application demonstrated in Futur en Seine (June 17-26) by CLIME EPI.

  • ELLIOT and ATMOPACA related to their website and its improvment.

  • MIDAS (Telecom Paris Tech and EDF R&D): we collaborated with Georges Hébrail (Telecom/EDF) via the MIDAS project and the BiLab laboratory with A. da Silva [51] .

Academic Collaborations

  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale : M. Csernel collaborated with M. LePouliquen [30] .

  • Ecole Centrale de Paris: Y. Lechevallier collaborated via STIC France-Tunisia with M-A. Aufaure in the context of graph mining and Social Network [45] , [33] , [32] and of e-tourism[48] .

  • LIRMM: S. Bringay, M. Roche P. Poncelet [25]

  • IRIT (Toulouse) : D. Scapin and C. Detraux collaborated with M. Winckler [70] .

  • LRI (Orsay): D. Scapin collaborated with P. Poizat [70] .

  • University of Nice Sophia Antipolis: Professor J-P Zirotti (Socioly, LASMIC laboratory) related to the “Master Urban Studies” and F. Debos (I3M laboratory) related to a new Pacalabs Ecofamilies (2012).