Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

STREP ELLIOT (2010 - 2013)

Participants : Anne-Laure Negri, Mylène Leitzelman, Bernard Senach, Caroline Tiffon, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] .

  • Title: ELLIOT


  • Challenge: Experential Living lab Platform for the Internet of Things

  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

  • Duration: September 2010 - February 2013

  • Coordinator: TXT Polylemia (Italy)

  • Others partners: University of Nottingham, University of Readings, BIBA, Hospital San Rafael, CENG, Fing, Vulog

  • See also: http://www.elliot-project.eu/

  • Abstract: The ELLIOT project (Experiential Living Labs for the Internet of Things) aims at developing an Internet Of Things (IOT) experiential platform where users/citizen are directly involved in co-creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artifacts related to IOT applications and services. Based on a three levels experiential model issued from previous European projects, the study will capitalize on existing practices of co-creation in IoT contexts. It will allow the exploration of the potential impact of IOT and of the Future Internet in the context of the Open User Centered Innovation paradigm followed in the Living Lab approach.

This year we mainly specified our Green Service use case [55] and the first prototyype of the ELLIOT platform [53] , [54] : This platform calls for the purposes of the data analysis component our FocusLab server: for the prototype we have implemented three methods as web services: SCDS for summarizing data streams as a approximative sequential pattern, GEAR for computing the tendency of several data streams [11] and a specific onefor the Hospital san rafaelle use case. As specified in ELLIOT D4.2.1 [56] , five co-conception workshops (2 groups) were held in order to identify the ideas and positions of citizen and stakeholders interested in mobility and air quality & noise level with regards to internet of things and potential services.

  • 2 co-conception workshops in collaboration with the Regional Internet Space (ERIC in French) called Le Hublot in Nice: November 28 and December 12

  • 3 co-conception workshops in Sophia Antipolis with citizen and stakeholders interested in Air quality and Mobility: November 25, December 7 and 19 As part of ELLIOT exploration step, we performed a heuristic evaluation of the atmopaca.fr website. Recommendations were reported to Atmopaca and site modified accordingly.

During these workshops participants were as well asked to explore an Android mock-up visualizing air quality, pollen level, bus station, free “vélo bleu” bicycle and noise level. A mock-up called Nice Air (V1) was developed by L. Gramusset during her internship for supporting the innovation process (cf. section  6.4.7 )..

CSA FIREBALL (2010 - 2012)

Participants : Marc Pallot, Brigitte Trousse [correspondant] , Caroline Tiffon, Bernard Senach.

  • Title: FIREBALL (FIREBALL: Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research)


  • Challenge: Future Internet Research and Experiments by adopting Living Labs Towards Smart Cities

  • Instrument: Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

  • Duration: May 2010 - April 2012

  • Coordinator: Luleå University of Technology (Sweden)

  • Others partners: AALTO (Finland), AENESCEN (Italy), MCC (United Kingdom), SAIM (Netherlands), ESADE (Spain), ALFAMICRO (Portugal), ISA (Portugal), E-NOVA (Portugal ) HK (Finland), INRIA (France), DIMES (Finland), IBBT (Belgium), AUTH (Greece), OY (Finland), IMAGES & RESEAUX (France), BCN (Spain)

  • See also: http://www.fireball4smartcities.eu/

  • Abstract: FIREBALL (Future Internet Research and Experimentation By Adopting Living Labs - towards Smart Cities) is a coordination action which establishes a coordination mechanism through which a network of Smart Cities across Europe engages in long term collaboration for adopting User Driven Open Innovation to explore the opportunities of the Future Internet.

We mainly have collaborations with Prof. Dr Nicos Komninos (Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessalonik, Greece) and Hans Schaffers (Expert at ESoCE Net, Director of Adventure research, Nederlands) related to several scientific publications [34] , [39] , [29] , [41] and also the delivrable [71] . See sections 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 .

IDEAS (2010 - 2012)

Participants : Nicolas Béchet, Marc Csernel [correspondant] .

  • Title: IDEAS


  • Instrument: Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

  • Duration: January 2010 - June 2012

  • Coordinator: Ecole française d'Extrême Orient (France)

  • Others partners: University of Turku Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, British Academy, Asien-Afrika-Institut of the University of Hamburg, Istituto italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente

  • See also: http://www.ideasconsortium.eu/

  • Abstract: IDEAS is the acronym of "Integrating & developing European Asian studies". It joins the efforts of five institutions devoted to the field of Asian studies and INRIA to help them on the I.T point of view. The overall objective of IDEAS is to make progress in coordinating and bringing together academic research, researchers and policy-makers. IDEAS will make use of the expertise and resources of a recently created network, the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF), which comprises 44 research institutions from ten EU countries and nine Asian countries and Russia, which specialize in Asian studies, and a network of 22 field research centers run by ECAF members across Asia.

Inria is leader of the Work Package 3 which will facilitate the access of scholars and others involved with Asian Studies to the ECAF network’s knowledge resources and develop multidisciplinary web-based research tools. WP3 initially focuses on a sample base comprising manuscripts in Tibetan and Sanskrit kept in the Giuseppe Tucci collection at IsIAO (IsIAO: Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente) in Roma. INRIA, focusing on information retrieval and data management, has developed a prototype of a website dedicated to the consultation ancient Asian. We have proposed a new search engine based on clustering techniques which provides always a "reasonable" number of answers whatever the question, allowing by successive ameliorations to obtain the most suitable answers, even without knowing the right question. This prototype has been constructed by N. Béchet and demonstrated on a set of pictures (such as stupas..) displayed on the current IsIAO website showing quite well the profit that one can expect from such a search engine.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7


Participant : Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .

  • Program: COST IC0904

  • Project acronym: TwinTide

  • Project title: Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT Design and Evaluation

  • Duration: 2010 - 2013

  • Coordinator: Effie Lai-Chong Law - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich), Switzerland (CH) / University of Leicester, UK

  • Other partners: see http://www.irit.fr/recherches/ICS/projects/twintide

  • Abstract: Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT De- sign and Evaluation is a usability and user experience research community running under the auspices of COST (http://www.cost.esf.org/ ). The main objective is to harmonize research and practice on design and evaluation methodologies for computing artifacts, across sectors and disciplines, bringing together researchers and D&E professionals.

Contribution to the Preparation of the Next Framework Programme (FP8 – Horizon 2020)

Participants : Marc Pallot, Brigitte Trousse.

M. Pallot participated to the FIA Roadmap workshop in Brussels, 31 March 2011, as member of the FISA (Future Internet Support Actions) roadmapping working group on FIA Roadmap [40] and contributed to the FISA Roadmap presented in May 2011 at FIA Budapest. AxIS participated to a “Smart Cities and FIRE” workshop at FIA Budapest in May 2011 and contributed to the linkage among Living Labs community, Smart Cities network and Future Internet Assembly [39] , as well as relevant projects such as FIRESTATION, SmartSantander, TEFIS, ELLIOT, Apollon and many others.