Section: Application Domains
Panorama: Living Labs, Smart Cities
AxIS addresses transversal domains i.e any ICT based innovation project which adopts a living lab approach or has one of the following features
a) requiring individual or collective usage data storage, preprocessing and analysis tools
for designing, evaluating and improving huge evolving hypermedia information systems (mainly Web-based ISs), for which end-users are of primary concern,
for a better understanding of the usage of services/products by data mining techniques and knowledge management
for social network analysis (for example in Web 2.0 applications, Business Intelligence, Sustainable Development, etc.): see past work in ANR Intermed (2009) or current contracts such as FP7 ELLIOT [cf. section ) where citizen generate ideas in terms of specific environmental sensors based services according to their needs.
and b) requiring user-driven innovation methods or tools: a first work was made in 2010 during the CDISOD Color action for supporting the design of innovative services by citizen from public data in collaboration with Fing (Marseille) and Ademe (Sophia Antipolis). We pursue such a study in the context of FP7 ELLIOT related to environnemental data (air quality and noise).
Even if our know how, methods and algorithms have a cross domain applicability, our team chooses to focus on Living Lab projects and mainly related to Sustainable Development for Smart Cities which imply user involvement the future services/products.
Indeed, following the Rio Conference (1992) and the Agenda for the 21st Century, local territories are now directly concerned with the set up of actions for a sustainable development. In this frame, ICT tools are supposed to be very efficient to re-engage people in the democratic process and to make decision-making more transparent, inclusive and accessible. So, sustainable development is closely associated with citizen participation. The emerging research field of e-democracy (so called Digital Democracy or eParticipation), concerned with the use of communications technologies such as the Internet to enhance the democratic processes is now a very active field. Though still in its infancy, a lot of literature is already available (see for instance: or for a global view of work in Europe) and numerous different topics are addressed in the field.
We have some experience, particularly stressed on the following applicative domains: