Section: Dissemination
Teaching and Supervision
Teaching activities
Y. Lechevallier
Master 2 Recherche Systemes intelligents (resp: S. Pinson), University at Paris IX-Dauphine, France. Yves Lechevallier taught a course on "Du data mining au knowledge mining" (12h).
Master 2 Pro Ingénierie de la Statistique (resp: G. Saporta) at CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), France. Yves Lechevallier taught a course on "Méthodes neuronales" (12h).
ENSAE (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique): Yves Lechevallier taught a course on Data Mining (18h).
ENSG: Yves Lechevallier taught a course on Clustering (12h).
PhD Thesis
AxIS is a associated team of the STIC Doctoral school of the Nice-Sophia Antipolis University (UNS). Our PhD students come from the University of Paris Dauphine, the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, the Université Catholique de Louvain, the University of Recife (Brazil) and from various Universities of Morocco and of Tunisia.
Two PhD have been defended this year:
PhD : E. Smirnova, "Network-based solutions for expert finding" [18] , University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis & INRIA,december 15, (co-directors: M. Rueher, B. Trousse with the participation of K Avrachtechov).
PhD: C. Zhang, “Mining data streams: clustering and pattern extraction” [19] , University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis & INRIA, October (director: F. Masseglia).
3 PhDs under progress: B. Trousse participates in supervising three PhD students from Morocco in the context of the WRUM project related to data mining in e-learning: M. Naamany and N. Sael (University of Casablanca supervised by A. Marzark) and E Zemmouri (University of Fes and ENSAM Meknès, Morocco supervised by H. Behja and A. Marzark).