Section: Dissemination
Animation of the Scientific Community
General Audience
Two accepted manifestations (AxIS INRIA & ICT Usage lab) at the Mobility Week event European in Nice and Antibes territories in relation to ELLIOT (cf. section ) and TIC TAC (cf. section 8.1.1 )projects: Demonstration of the Nice Air application and street survey on people relation to air pollution(cf. ) and demonstration of MobilTIC application and questionares on citizen needs in terms of a real-time information system for public transportation (cf. 8.1.1 ).
Co-organization of three open days at CSTB (Sophia Antipolis) related to the PACALABS Ecoffices project and their reports [79] (cf. 8.1.3 ).
Editorial Boards and Reviewing
AxIS members participate in the editorial boards of the following journals:
MODULAD (electronic journal), :Y. Lechevallier as co-editor
BIT (Behaviour & Information Technology): D.L. Scapin (Associate Editor)
Journal of Symbolic Data Analysis: Y. Lechevallier and B. Trousse
IJDST - International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology): B. Trousse
Co-Design Journal: B. Trousse
IE - International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: M. Pallot
UAIS -International Journal of Universal Access in the Information SocietTransactionsy): D.L. Scapin
IJHCS - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies: D.L. Scapin
IWC - Interacting with Computers: D.L. Scapin
IJPOP - International Journal of People-Oriented Programming: D.L. Scapin
JIPS - Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système: D.L. Scapin
AxIS members are very regularly reviewers for various major journals: let us note for 2011 TKDE, BIT, IJHCS (International Journal of Human-Computer Studies), JMUI (Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces), Le Travail Humain, UAIS, IwC;
D. Scapin was reviewer for a book: Cognitively Informed Interfaces to be published by IGI Global ( )
Conferences/Workshops Scientific Program Committees
Y. Lechevallier is scientific chair of the 12th French-Speaking International Conference EGC 2012 which is the main frencophon-speaking conference in KDD ( around 400 participants) ( .
B. Trousse is member of the supervising committee of the association EGC ( .
AxIS permanent members are involved in the following program committees of conferences and workshops:
EGC 2011, Extraction and Management of Knowledge, january, : Y. Lechevallier, B. Trousse
IC 2011, 22èmes journées francophones d'Ingénierie des connaissances, 16-20 may, Chamberry: B. Trousse
CSCWD 2011, the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, June 8-10, lausanne, Switerland ( IEEE SMC Society): B. Trousse
WOTIC 2011, International Workshop on Information Technology and communication, 1-15 october, Casablanca (Morocco): B. Trousse
H2PTM 2011, Hypermédias et pratiques numériques, 12-14 October, Metz: B. TrousseN
EGC Maghreb 2011, Extraction and Management of Knowledge, November (Tanger, Morocco): B. Trousse
EGC 2011, EvalECD workshop, january: Y. Lechevallier
ACHI 2011's, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human, February 23-28, - Gosier, Guadeloupe, , under DigitalWorld 2011 umbrella: D. Scapin
SETIT 2011, Sixth International Conference Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, Sousse, Tunisia, March 23-26, 2011: D. Scapin
IHM 2011 (Interaction Homme-Machine), October 24-27 2011, Nice - Sophia Antipolis: D. Scapin
Workshop UED 2011, Workshop on Usability in Education at IHM'11, Nice - Sophia Antipolis: D. Scapin
Third International Conference on ICT and Accessibility (ICTA 2011) Tunis (Tunisia) May 5-7, 2011: D. Scapin
1st International Workshop on Supportive User Interfaces (SUI 2011). within 3rd ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2011), Pisa, Italy - June 13-16, 2011: D. Scapin
HCI International 2011, the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, Florida, USA, in July 2011: D. Scapin
HCD 2011 2nd International Conference on Human Centered Design ; in the context of HCI, Orlando, Florida, USA, in July 2011: D. Scapin
EPIQUE 2011 (Colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique) September 5-7 à Metz: D. Scapin
INTERACT 2011, 13th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011 : D. Scapin
PUX2011 (5th Workshop on Software and Usability Engineering Cross-Pollination), Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011: D. Scapin
EUTIC "Transformation des organisations, évolution des problématiques", Bruxelles 23-25 novembre 2011: D. Scapin
IEEE ICE conference (Int’l Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation): M. Pallot (Editorial committee): B. Trousse (Int reviewing Panel)
UPA2011 Conference “Design for Social Change”, Atlanta, June 2011: A.-L. Negri
Organization of Workshops and Conferences
Lift France 2011 conference (July 2011 in Marseille): Facilitation of an Aloha! workshop (organizer A-L Negri in relation with T. Marcou from Fing) with 35 participants in order to test the method with creative audience.
World Usability Day 2011 (November 2011 in Sophia Antipolis): Facilitation of an Aloha! workshop for 22 participants (organiser: A-L Negri). Participants from various innovation and R&D teams reported positively the experience and were surprised by its efficiency.
AxIS (M. Pallot and B. Trousse) as member of the ICT Usage lab collaborates to the organization of the Living Lab Track at ICE 2011, the 2011 edition of the ICE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: the thematic Domain Network [68] Iand the concept of”Common Asset” key element for the thematic Domain Network [81]
Panelist and participants were involved also in a interactive session to analyse what can be done with the establishment of Domain Networks and how the relevant phases can be achieved.
LLSS2011, the Second European Living Labs Summer school in Cornella, 29 August – 2 September 2011: M. Pallot and B. Trousse were members of the international organizing team. M. Pallot was chair and organizer of The Core Workshop on “Living Lab State of the Art” (M. Pallot as chair and organizer).
Participation in PhD Thesis Committees
AxIS researchers were members of the following Ph.D. committees in 2011:
B. Trelhu, Ph.D, Modélisation, analyse et comparaison de procédures bchirurgicales, application à la neurochirurgie, June, University Rennes 1: Y. Lechevallier
O. Merroun, Ph.D, Traitement à grande échelle des données symboliques, July, University Dauphine: Y. Lechevallier
I. Abid, Ph.D, Modélisation de la prévision de défaillance des entreprises par des approches statiques et dynamiques : Réseaux de neurones réseaux bayésiens, modèles de durée et dichotomiques, July, University Paris 10 Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense: Y. Lechevallier
C. Zhang, PhD., Mining data streams: clustering and pattern extraction, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis & INRIA : F. Masseglia (director), October , B. Trousse
T. Amouh, Ph.D, Analysis of tabular non-standard data with decision trees, and application to hypnogram-based detection of sleep profile, December, University Namur (FNDP), November: Y. Lechevallier
E. Smirnova, PhD, Network-based solutions for expert finding, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis & INRIA, December: B. Trousse
Invited Talks
Marc Pallot was invited speaker at CLMPS 2011 (Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science), Nancy, 21-22 July 2011, at the IUHPS (International Union of History and Philosophy of Science Joint commission Symposium) session on "Development of Cognition in Technology and Technosciences". Presentation title “Group Cognition within Living Lab Research and Innovation, the Cycle of Experiential Knowledge”.
Involvement in Regions
PACA Region
B. Trousse and B. Senach are members of the coordination committee of the ICT Usage Lab (INRIA, CSTB, Orange Labs and UNS).
B. Senach and B. Trousse pursued the reactivation started in 2008 of the living lab ICT Usage Lab by increasing our contacts with territories (NCA, CASA, CG06) and with the University Of Nice Sophia Antipolis dissimenating the living lab approach andor involving them as supporters or partners of ICT usage Lab projects.
AxIS as ICT Usage Lab Member has established relations with the urban community of Nice Cote d'Azur (NCA) mainly related to their numeric ecosystem project (PACALABS 3), the Fireball european action (FP7), the ELLIOT european project (FP7) and to some future projects (pacalabs Ecofamilies, Ecocité project) as well as this urban community of Antibes Sophia Antipolis (CASA) on transportation:information systems (TIC TAC) and energy (Ecoffices). Subjects: user involvement, usage analysis, service evaluation and experiments, co-creation with citizen.
AxIs maintained his contacts with CRT Tourism PACA and Provincia of Impera (Italy).
B. Trousse as INRIA representative is a member of the expert committee of the Pacalabs and to the strategic committee of the Pacalabs orientation of the Regional Council.
B. Trousse was invited by P. Mallea to participate to the Open Innovation workshop and living lab organised by Poe SCS and CNR Santé, NICE (28 june 2011).
B. Senach and A-L Negri attended the FabLab day (November 18) Aix-en-Provence organised by FING.
Others Regions
AxIS (D. Scapin) is involved in Process 2.0 project where the Midi-Pyrénées region and Limousin Region are pilotsD.
B. Trousse was invited in december to participate in a working meeting related to a living lab project for Gran Lyon territory.
B. Trousse was invited by C. Colucci in a round table “ Espaces publics: living labs, co-working, comment innover avec les citoyens?” at les Interconnectés 2011 - Réseau des territoires innovants in Lyon ( december 2nd).
B. Trousse as co-animator of the french network of living labs organised two meetings in Paris in order to create a new 1901 association called “ France Living Labs” ( ) facilitating mutualisation between livign labs and increasing our visibility.