Section: Members

Research Scientists

Bernard Brogliato [Team Leader, HdR]

Vincent Acary

Florence Bertails-Descoubes

Claude Lemaréchal [Emeritus, HdR]

Jérôme Malick

Arnaud Tonnelier

Pierre-Brice Wieber

Christophe Prieur [external collaborator, HdR]

Technical Staff

Olivier Bonnefon [SALADYN grant]

Gilles Daviet

PhD Students

Hongjian Zhang [Peking University PKU fellowship and Multiple Impact grant]

Scott Greenhalg [Guelph University and SALADYN, Canada]

Alexandre Derouet-Jourdan [ENS de Lyon fellowship]

Andrei Herdt [FUI ROMEO grant]

Mehdi Benallegue [FUI ROMEO grant]

Zohaib Aftab [collaboration with INRETS Bron]

Romain Casati [UJF fellowship]

Sofia Zaourar [UJF fellowship]

Olivier Huber [ENS de Cachan, Normalien 4eme année]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Nguyen Ngoc Son [ANR Multiple Impact grant]

De Oliveira Wellington [EDF grant]

Thorsten Schindler

Carmina Georgescu

Administrative Assistant

Myriam Etienne [shared with E-Motion]