Section: New Results
Stochastic control of an hybrid vehicle
Participants : Kamal Aouchiche [Renault] , Frédéric Bonnans, Giovanni Granato, Hasnaa Zidani.
In the CDC paper [18] we present a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) algorithm that aims at minimizing an economic criteria based on the We also work on a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) algorithm that aims at minimizing an economic criteria based on the total energy consumption of a range extender electric vehicle (REEV). This algorithm integrates information from the REEV's navigation system in order to obtain some information about future expected vehicle speed. The model of the vehicle's energetic system, which consists of a high-voltage (HV) battery, the main energy source, and an internal combustion engine (ICE), working as an auxiliary energy source), is written as a hybrid dynamical system and the associated optimization problem in the hybrid optimal control framework. The hybrid optimal control problem includes two important physical constraints on the ICE, namely, an activation delay and a decision lag. Three methods for the inclusion of such physical constraints are studied. After introducing the SDP algorithm formulation we comment on numerical results of the stochastic algorithm and its deterministic counterpart.