Section: Dissemination
Theses and Internships
Thesis Defenses
David Andreu and Philippe Fraisse supervise Mickael Toussaint, Architecture de mesure et de stimulation électro-fonctionnelle Externe : des concepts aux applications. defended on 9th December in Montpellier.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe and Philippe Fraisse supervise Qin Zhang, Evoked EMG-based torque prediction for muscle fatigue tracking and closed-loop torque control in FES. defended on 13th December in Montpellier.
Ongoing theses
Serge Bernard and Guy Cathébras supervise Fanny Le Floch, Sûreté de fonctionnement des circuits implantables dans le corps humain., MENRT.
Guy Cathébras and Fabien Soulier supervise Olivier Rossel, Circuits intégrés de recueil et d'interprétation des signaux nerveux, Axa fundation.
Jérôme Bourien (INM, Montpellier) and Christine Azevedo-Coste, supervise Christophe Michel, Modélisation de l'efférence latérale du système auditif périphérique, CIFRE MXM.
Christine Azevedo-Coste and Bernard Espiau supervise Maud Pasquier, Observation et contrôle de mouvements non cycliques des membres inférieurs et supérieurs en assistance fonctionnelle., ANM.
Christine Azevedo-Coste, Philippe Fraisse and Charles Fattal supervise Jovana Jovic, Maintien prolongé la station debout équilibrée fonctionnelle chez le patient paraplégique, BDI Région-INRIA.
David Andreu supervises Hélène Leroux, Abstraction et composition pour la conception formelle de neuroprothèses, Thesis ENS, 2011-2014.
David Guiraud and David Andreu supervise Guillaume Coppey, Unité implantable de mesure répartie pour suppléance fonctionnelle en boucle fermée, Thesis CIFRE MXM, 2011-2014.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe and Philippe Fraisse supervise Alejandro González, Closed-loop whole body posture control and stability analysis in FES., European Comission:CORDIS, 2011-2014.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Benjamin Gilles and David Guiraud supervise Yacine Berranen, Volumetric musculoskeletal modeling and simulation., CNRS Handicap, 2011-2014.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe and David Guiraud supervise Zhan Li, Computational rehabilitation and neuromuscular control based on reinforcement learning., China Scholarship Council (CSC), 2011-2014.
Christine Azevedo Coste, David Guiraud and David Andreu supervise Pawel Maciejasz, "Selective neural electo-stimulation" (1.5 year contract, TIME project), 2010-2011.
Serge Bernard and Fabien Soulier supervise Guilherme Bontorin, "High level modeling for dependability of FES system" (1.5 year contract, TOETS project), 2010-2011.
Serge Bernard, Fabien Soulier and Guy Cathébras supervise Jonathan Coulombe, "Programmable micro-amplifier for ENG recording" (1 year contract, Bourse postdoctorale du Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et Génie (CRSNG) du Canada), 2010-2011.
François Bonneblanc and Hugues Duffau supervise Pom Charras, "The validation on pre, post and intra-operative evaluations of patients during awake neurosurgeries of slow-growing tumors in the brain", contract Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC-France) 'subvention-libre N°3184', post-doctoral fellowship, 2010-2011.
David Andreu supervised Guillaume Magro, "Développement d'un séquenceur de SEF externe", Engineer final internship, from Mar. 2011 to Jul. 2011.
David Guiraud and David Andreu supervised Guillaume Coppey, "Conception et prototypage d'une unité de mesure accélérométrique", Engineer final internship, from Apr. 2011 to Sep. 2011.
David Andreu supervised Ronald Reboul and Jérémy Servoz, "Prototypage d'un séquenceur embarqué au sein d'un implant de stimulation", Projet Industriel de Fin d'Etudes (engineer final year), from Sep. 2011 to Jan. 2012.
David Andreu supervised Jean-François Happe, "Etude de stratégies d'économie d'énergie pour implant de stimulation", Projet Industriel de Fin d'Etudes (engineer final year), from Sep. 2011 to Jan. 2012.
Christine Azevedo Coste, Philippe Fraise and Vincent Bonnet (LABLAB, Roma, Italy) supervised Ugo Gouedard, Engineer project, "Center of Mass and Joint Angle estimation", Institut Telecom - Formation TIC et Santé Montpellier, from Mar. 2011 to Aug. 2011.
Christine Azevedo Coste, Jeremy Laforet and Pawel Maciejasz supervised Guillaume Jourdain on "Computer simulation of the electrical stimulation of the nerve fibres", Master student project and afterwards 3 month training (TIME project financing), from Oct. 2010 to Jun. 2011.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe and Benjamin Gilles supervised Yacine Berranen on "Analyse des deformations de tissus mous actifs et passifs", Master student project and afterwards 3 month training (Sohusim project financing), from Mar. 2011 to Aug. 2011.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe supervised Lizhi Pan (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.) on "Multi-functional EMG classification for dynamic EMG-motion modeling", INRIA international internship program (EGIDE+ANR Sohusim), from Sep. 2011 to Nov. 2011.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe supervised Peng Yao (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.) on "Multi-Dimensional Wrist Musculoskeletal Modeling for Tremor Simulation", INRIA international internship program (EGIDE+ANR Sohusim), from Sep. 2011 to Nov. 2011.
Mitsuhiro Hayashibe supervised Seiya Sakaguchi (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology) on "Joint stiffness analysis under FES", Japan-France Integrated Action Program "SAKURA and AYAME Junior", Mar. 2011.
David Guiraud and Pawel Maciejasz supervised Thomas Guiho on "Proposing and implementing the algorithm for automated detection and classification of the action potentials in signals recorded using a few channels", Master student project, from Oct. 2011 to Mar. 2012.
David Guiraud and Guillaume Coopey supervises Edouard Lavaud and Majid Houtachj, Tis santé internship on "Data and energy transmission on a 2-wire implanted bus"
Christine Azevedo Coste and Jovana Jovic supervise Camilla Pierella on "Assisting transfer in paraplegic subjects", MASTER student (ERASMUS financial support).
Contract Engineers
David Andreu supervises Grégory Angles. “Conception et réalisation d'un environnement logiciel, basé sur Eclipse, pour le prototypage rapide sur composants électroniques programmables (HILECOP)". Computer Science Engineer, Babylone contract (3 years contract, INRIA).
David Andreu supervises Guillaume Magro. "Spécification et prototypage d'un contrôleur de SEF implantable". Industrial Informatics Engineer, INRIA Expert Engineer contract (3 years contract, INRIA).
Guy Cathébras, Serge Bernard and Fabien Soulier co-supervise Jérémy Salles "Correction de la version 2 et développement de la version 3 de l'ASIC de stimulation 12 pôles" Microelectronics Design Engineer (1 year contract, NEUROCOM financial support)